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Charles Sturt University is committed to excellence in research and teaching.
The Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) oversees the use of animals at the university. This oversight applies to animals used for scientific purposes, which includes all research and teaching activities.
In our commitment to excellence in research and teaching, the appropriate use of animals for scientific purposes is a foundation. The university uses animals for various projects, from wildlife surveying to veterinary training using small and large animals.
In 2024 Charles Sturt proudly became a signatory to the Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in Australia demonstrating commitment to greater transparency in our use of animals.
Teaching and research using animals cannot commence without approval from the Animal Ethics Committee. To understand the university's obligations and your personal obligations, explore the links below to find the resources that will help you succeed in your studies, research, and work.
The university employs an animal welfare officer to assist academics with their animal use applications.
This position is important to ensure the University meets the standards, guidelines, and regulations that underpin the principles of animal ethics. It also ensures that the standards of care and use of animals in teaching and research are monitored and continually improved.
If you have concerns about any aspect of the conduct of research at Charles Sturt University, our dedicated web page provides a clear and confidential way to raise these issues.
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