
Animal ethics


Welcome to the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) forms page. Use the searchable list to find the right form for your work request or submission.


Application Cover Sheet

Must accompany your Research or Teaching Application.

Research Application

Complete to request approval for the use of animals in your research project.
Important - An Application Cover Sheet must accompany this form when submitting to the AEC.

Teaching Application

Complete to request approval for the use of animals in your teaching project.
Important - An Application Cover Sheet must accompany this form when submitting to the AEC.

Annual Report and Request to Renew Project

Complete to provide the annual report and request to renew research and teaching projects that the AEC has approved for more than one year (12 months).
It is recommended applicants allow two AEC meetings before the expiry of the current Animal Use Authority.

End of Project Form

Complete to report on research and teaching projects approved by the AEC:

  • for one year or less, or
  • at the conclusion of a project which has spanned several years

Unexpected Adverse Event Report

Complete to report an unexpected event/death of an animal to the AEC.
Refer to the Charles Sturt Guidelines on Adverse Events for further information.

Modification Request Form

Complete when requesting modification for an approved project.

Exemption Application Form

Complete when notifying the AEC of a project involving animals or tissues that is exempt from AEC oversight

Animal use consent templates

Animal Use Consent Form

Animal Use Information Statement


Image Consent and Release Form

These forms are designed for use by Chief Investigators of research projects that will involve privately-owned animals. There are two parts to the consent form:

The 'Animal Use Consent Form' needs to be filled in and retained by the researcher,

The 'Animal Use Information Statement' has to be retained by the owner of the animal for their reference.

The image consent form is required if you are seeking consent to use images or audio of animals in your project.

Standard Operating Procedures template

For creating new standard operating procedures. Refer to Standard Operating Procedures for guidance and form template.

Monitoring sheets - examples

Example 1 - Intensive Monitoring

Example 2 - Daily Record of care

Example 3 - Blood collection monitoring form

These are examples only and need to be modified to suit each project. The monitoring sheets intended to be used have to be submitted with the initial application and a sample of the completed sheet will need to be submitted with the annual and final reports.

Collaborative Research between Accredited Animal Research Establishments

Complete when establishing a collaborative research agreement between Accredited Animal Research Establishments and their respective Animal Ethics Committees (AECs).