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This page outlines the requirements for managing research projects, including conduct, completion, and reporting, as well as handling adverse events and incidents related to biosafety.
The Principal Investigator or the Subject Coordinator and supervisor for students undertaking research must ensure that any recommendations of the IBC are met during the course of the work.
If work is expected to extend beyond the dates proposed on the initial IBC application, an extension must be sought from the IBC before the approved date expires. Complete the Project Report form to request a variation.
The Principal Investigator must submit a Project Report to the IBC on completion of the research, or annually if the work extends past 12 months. The report(s) must address any variations from the original proposals and any unexpected events.
A final report is not required.
Biosafety is an area involving specialist areas of risk in addition to those covered by conventional safety advice derived from the WHS regulatory framework.
If there is an adverse event in a regulated controlled access area (including regulated laboratories and spaces containing radioactive equipment) the university's Emergency Management Procedure should be followed.
Any biosafety incidents or hazards must be reported immediately through the online Incident and Risk Management system.