Approval process

Human ethics

Approval process

Applying for HREC review is a relatively straightforward process. Find out more about which pathway is most appropriate for your research, and the requirements for submission.

Step 1


Before applying for ethics approval, you'll need to be familiar with the National Statement to ensure your research conforms with the guidelines. You'll also need to ensure that you:

  • attend an ethics cafe
  • seek review of the academic merit of your project
  • complete the HREA through the NHMRC portal
  • procure any necessary external approvals such as:
    • letters of support
    • working with children's checks and certifications
  • refer to the HREC meeting schedule and select an appropriate review date
Step 2


Once you've completed the HREA form via the NHMRC portal, you need to email a copy of the complete application as a PDF to

Please ensure your application includes the following:

Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant and only reviewed by the HREC once complete.

If you're unsure, please contact the Human Research Ethics Partners for advice.

Step 3


Once your application has been reviewed by the ethics committee, you'll receive one of the following outcomes for your application:

  • Further information response - this requires you to answer the HRECs questions in order to obtain approval
  • Resubmission - the application will need to be revised and resubmitted for another review
  • Approval - you can commence your research

There are alternate review pathways which accommodate different types of research. Charles Sturt University provides the following alternate pathways:

Low risk review

Once you have submitted your application, it will be assessed for the level of risk involved as per the guidelines in the National Statement.

If your application fits the criteria, it will be reviewed by the HREC Executive team in a low-risk meeting prior to the scheduled panel meetings. You are required to submit a normal ethics application and the Human Research Ethics Partners will make an assessment on the risk level.

Use of secondary data

If you are accessing pre-existing data sets for research, you will still require ethical review. You can apply using the Request for approval to use secondary data form instead of the HREA and include the following:

  • Project Description
  • Evidence that the original data was collected ethically
  • Evidence that the original participants provided consent to the secondary use of their data
  • Confirmation of permission to use the data
  • Evidence of academic merit
  • Certificates for Human Research Ethics and Research Integrity training modules

Note: if you require a waiver of consent for your research, you will need to submit a complete HREA in place of the request for approval to use secondary data form.

Reciprocal approval

The ethical review process at Charles Sturt University seeks to eliminate unnecessary duplication of review, and the decision of another institution’s review body will typically be accepted in line with Chapter 5.5 of the National Statement. To apply via this pathway, submit the Externally Approved Proposal form along with:

  • The original application
  • The approval letter from the lead HREC
  • Any documentation which will require revision for use at the University including participant information sheets and consent forms that include Charles Sturt University contact details
  • Certificates for Human Research Ethics and Research Integrity training modules for Charles Sturt University researchers