Managing projects

Human ethics

Managing projects

All ethics projects require timely submission of annual reports, end-of-project reports, and where necessary, variation and extension requests.

It is crucial to submit all reports on time. If you don't, your project may lapse, and you won't be able to continue your approved research.

Reporting requirements

Annual reports

To keep your project approval current, you must submit an Annual report every year. This report is due 12 months after your project's original approval date.


If there are any changes to your project, no matter how small, you must submit a variation form. Include a brief outline of the original project details and the proposed changes, and include any updated documents with changes highlighted. You must have HREC approval before the changes are implemented.


If you need more time to complete your research, submit an extension request. Allow adequate time for processing so that your project does not lapse.

End-of-Project reports

Once your project is finished, you'll need to submit an end-of-project report. This report is a requirement of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.


Report any incidents or unforeseen events that might impact on the ethical compliance of your project immediately.

Any health and safety incidents or hazards must be reported using the Charles Sturt University online incident reporting system. For more information, please see Reporting incidents and hazards.