Who needs to apply

Human ethics

Who needs to apply

All research involving human participants, their data, or their tissue needs ethics approval.

The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) reviews applications that involve:

  • Surveys, interviews, or focus groups
  • Accessing information from existing sources or databases containing human information
  • Administering psychological or physiological treatments
  • Collecting or using body organs, tissues, or fluids
  • Clinical trials of medications, devices, or treatments

Sometimes, it's not obvious if your research needs review. If your research looks at human experiences broadly, like interactions with others or changes to our environment, you likely need HREC review. This can include:

  • autoethnographic and ethnographic research
  • evaluating programs or courses for research output
  • assessing the validity of testing instrument or scales
  • observing individuals or groups
  • interventions

If you're unsure if your research needs ethics approval, email ethics@csu.edu.au for guidance.