Managing Approved Projects

Research project reporting is required by Charles Sturt University to enable it to fulfil its requirements under the National Statement.  Researchers are in the best position to provide this information and will be required to complete a range of forms over the life of each project.

Projects are approved for the full duration subject to annual review. This means, you must complete an Annual Report on the project each year until it's completion to ensure your approval remains current.  The annual report is due 12 months after the date of original approval.

When your project is finished you are required to complete a Completion Report to comply with monitoring requirements of the National Health and Medical Research Council.

If your project changes you will need to submit a variation to Research Project form. These may include changes to the research team or participant recruitment or any other variation to the approved application.

You will need to include a brief outline of the original details of the project and how these are proposed to change. You must receive approval prior to the implementation of the changes.

If you require approval to conduct research beyond the duration originally approved you should apply for an Extension to Research Project at least six weeks prior to the project expiry date.

If your approved project does not proceed you will need to notify the HREC using the Project Did Not Proceed form.

You should immediately report any adverse incidents or any anticipated adverse effects of your research and any unforeseen events that might affect continued ethical acceptability of the project. You need to use the Adverse Incident Report form.

It is important to submit reporting within the designated time-frames, otherwise your project may be considered as lapsed and the approved research cannot continue.