Approval process

National security compliance

Approval process

Step 1

Self Assess

Researchers must conduct a self-assessment of their research projects and proposed publications using the Online Defence and Strategic Goods List Tool, to determine whether an export permit is required for their research activity under the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012. If the result of the self-assessment is unclear, the researcher must apply to the National Security Compliance Committee (NSCC) using the Research Proposal application form.

Step 2


Researchers must not supply, publish or broker Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) technology unless authorised to do so. The publication of any research in this area must be approved by the NSCC before the material or information is exported or published.

Please complete:

  • A Researcher Acknowledgement of Defence Export Compliance
  • a Research Proposal
  • A Compliance Checklist

See About the committee for agenda closing dates, for each meeting where applications will be considered.

Step 3

Submitting applications

Email all proposals to

PDF files with digital signatures are preferred. If this isn't possible, please print and scan once all signatures have been collected. You can also convert a Word document to PDF format for submission.

Checklist for application completion

Please ensure the following information is included with your application:

  • A Researcher Acknowledgement of Defence Export Compliance
  • A Research Proposal
  • A Compliance Checklist

Evidence of training completion

In relation to research projects, all members of the research team must provide evidence of completion of the University's training modules in Research Integrity.

Step 4


Approval will be notified in writing following the NSCC meeting. Your approval will contain an approval reference number.

Researchers may supply, publish or broker DSGL technology ONLY when the NSCC authorises it in writing.