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Everyone who is exposed to radiation through their work, studies, and/or research activities at the university is provided with a Personal Monitoring Device.
Your personal monitoring device (PMD) usually a badge, monitors your radiation exposure levels and must be worn in any area displaying a radiation warning sign.
PMDs are returned regularly for reading, and the university receives exposure reports for all staff and students. If a report shows a higher-than-expected reading, it will be shared with you, and particularly high doses may require investigation. You can request a copy of your exposure reports anytime by emailing the Radiation Monitoring unit.
If you need a PMD and haven't received one, email at least 30 days before starting your work with radiation. Remember, you must not begin any work involving radiation until you have your PMD.
As a PMD wearer, you're responsible for having a current PMD. 'Changeover Month' occurs twice a year, in July and January, when you exchange your expired PMD for a new one.
In June and December, complete the Radiation Safety Personal Monitoring Device application form to arrange postage or pick-up of your new PMD.
If you're returning from a leave of absence, you'll need to contact Radiation Monitoring and complete the form three months in advance to request a badge.
All staff and students must return their PMDs to Radiation Monitoring or a designated contact person by the due date. If you're graduating or taking a leave of absence, you must return your PMD before leaving the university.
There are several ways you can return your PMD:
Charles Sturt University Radiation Monitoring Unit
Building 289, Nathan Cobb Drive
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
Note: Do not use a paper envelope as the badge may fall out. If the PMD is lost in the mail, you must fill in an incident report with the tracking number.
Failure to return your badge by the due date may result in a $60 fee.
The law states that if you're issued with a personal monitoring device as an occupationally exposed person, it is your responsibility to:
If you lose your personal monitoring device, you must immediately report it to the university by emailing the Radiation Monitoring team. You will also need to lodge an incident report online.
Failure to return a PMD within the directed timeframes may result in:
Damaged PMDs due to carelessness or neglect will be treated the same as lost or non-returned devices.
For more details on personal radiation monitoring, please refer to the Radiation Safety Procedure.