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Here, you'll find all the information you need to navigate the approval process for working with radiation at Charles Sturt University. Whether you're applying for the first time or renewing your approval, this section provides a clear, step-by-step guide to help you through the process.
A Research/Teaching proposal must be submitted to the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) before work commences. Where the work is carried out in more than one organisation, the RSC or Radiation Safety Officer of the other organisation must also be informed.
The primary person making the application must be a current member of staff.
A Proposal to use in a teaching subject application must be submitted to the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) before teaching commences.
See About the committee for agenda closing dates, for each meeting where applications will be considered.
Email all proposals to
PDF files with digital signatures are preferred. If this isn't possible, please print and scan once all signatures have been collected. You can also convert a word document to PDF format for submission. Email your completed application to
Checklist for application completion
Please ensure the following information is included with your application:
Evidence of training completion
With research projects, all research team members must provide evidence of completion of the University's training modules in Research Integrity.
Approval will be notified in writing following the RSC meeting. Your approval will contain an approval reference number.
Work may only commence once you've received your written approval from the RSC. Work must be conducted only in approved laboratories or in an area or manner approved by the RSC.
Receipt of approval by the RSC for a Research/Teaching Proposal does not exempt the radiation licence holder(s) from having to complete the application to Acquire radioactive substances, Notice of disposal, Laser user registration form or the Laser apparatus registration forms prior to commencement of the research or teaching.