Personal Radiation Monitoring

Everyone who is exposed to radiation through their work, studies and/or research activities at the University is provided with a Personal Monitoring Device (PMD) for monitoring their levels of exposure. This is usually in the form of a badge which is worn on the body while working with irradiating apparatus or radioactive sources. If you have a badge, you must wear it in any area where a radiation warning sign is displayed.

The PMDs are returned for reading on a regular cycle, and the University subsequently receives the exposure reports for all staff and students.

If any reports indicate a higher-than-expected, the report is passed on to the wearer for their information. Particularly high doses may also need to be investigated.

PMD wearers can request a copy of their exposure reports at any time by emailing the Radiation Monitoring unit (

If you intend to commence research or other activities, and have not already been provided with a PMD, email to arrange for a device at least 30 days before you intend to start working with radiation. Please be aware that you must not commence work with any potential sources of radiation until you have received your PMD.

Collection and Return of Personal Monitoring Devices

All staff and students must return their personal monitoring devices in person to the assigned Technical Officer or designated contact person by the due date. Where this is not possible, personal monitoring devices can be mailed to:

Attn: Technical Officer – Radiation Monitoring
Technical Support Unit
Building 16, Room 236
Boorooma Street

PMD issue and return schedule

Lost, Non-returned or Damaged Personal Monitoring Devices

The law states that if you are issued with a personal monitoring device as an occupationally exposed person, it is your responsibility to:

  • wear the device while using ionising radiation; and
  • return the device in good condition and within the directed time frames.

If you lose your personal monitoring device, you must report it to the University immediately by emailing the Radiation Monitoring team ( You will also need to lodge an incident report online at

The loss or failure to return a personal monitoring device within the directed timeframes will result in the following action:

  • You may be charged a fee of $75 for the loss or non-return of the personal monitoring device. (This is made up of a non-return fee, device replacement fee and freight - charged by the service provider).
  • You must lodge an incident report on the University's online incident reporting system ( Please provide all details about the work done before the PMD was lost. Subsequent investigation may need to occur.
  • The individual will be excluded from all activities involving radiation until a new personal monitoring device has been received.

Personal monitoring devices which are returned in a damaged condition and the damage has occurred as a result of carelessness or neglect will result in the same actions as a lost or non-returned device.

For further details on personal radiation monitoring, please see the Personal Radiation Monitoring Devices Procedure in the CSU Policy Library.