Research Supervision

For many researchers, one of the most rewarding aspects of their work is providing supervision to research trainees, which allows them to expand their research portfolio and to pass on their knowledge and expertise. In doing so, supervisors play an important role in promoting quality research that is conducted with integrity. A researcher may find themselves supervising research trainees, such as Higher Degree Research (HDR) students, undergraduate students (with a research component) or research assistants.

The University's Research Policy requires that researchers undertake supervisory roles in accordance with The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) which specifies that the responsibility of a researcher is to:

Provide guidance and mentorship on responsible research conduct to other researchers or research trainees under their supervision and, where appropriate, monitor their conduct.

Supervisors will promote responsible practices in all areas of research including (but not limited to):

  • ethics compliance,
  • management of data and materials,
  • authorship, publication and dissemination of research outputs.

Supervisors will also:

  • ensure that all trainees receive education in discipline-based research methods and related skills.
  • ensure that trainees complete training (staff will complete ELMO modules and students Interact 2 module. Contact the Research Integrity Unit for enrolment)
  • have the competency to fulfil these obligations and seek support where required.

Being familiar with the Higher Degree by Research Policy, Academic Integrity policy and related University policies and procedures will greatly assist the researcher in the supervisory role. Supervisory roles are also guided by the NHMRC Supporting Guide for Supervision.

Training for Supervisors

Researchers who wish to embark on the rewarding role of supervisor will complete the Supervisor Series which is offered by Research Services and Graduate Studies. This training is compulsory for researchers who are considering becoming HDR supervisors but can be completed by any researchers interested in supervision.

The training series will help researchers understand what their responsibilities to their students and the University are and provide them with the essential knowledge needed for good supervision.