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At Charles Sturt University, we value responsible and ethical research.
Our Research Integrity Advisor Network works with the Manager of Research Integrity and the Research Integrity Officers to provide you with advice and guidance to ensure the integrity and safety of research projects at Charles Sturt University.
The Research Integrity Advisor Network (RIAN), is a representative group of experienced staff researchers. They have a special interest in promoting research integrity across the university. The Research Integrity Advisors (RIA) are accomplished researchers with real-world experience in navigating the complexities of the research endeavour. Their independence of the research portfolio makes them the perfect option for peer-to-peer learning.
The research integrity advisor network plays a key role in driving the research culture of the university. They interpret the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the Code) as well as university policies and procedures, to provide advice to university staff and students about the responsible conduct of research. A research integrity advisor can provide advice to any person who is concerned about the conduct of research.
When in doubt, find out. It is always prudent to ask before acting and be guided by a research integrity advisor. The research integrity advisors can also help you determine whether to report a concern to the Research Integrity Unit for further investigation.
The RIAN is your first point of contact for concerns relating to the responsible conduct of research at Charles Sturt University. The network members can provide you with an objective evaluation of your concern in perspective to the university policies and procedures. The research integrity advisor will guide you through the options available.
Conversations you have with the research integrity advisor are generally confidential. If you do not wish to disclose specifics or divulge identities, you can choose to seek general advice.
While discussions are handled confidentially, RIAs may need to take action if a serious risk or breach is identified. They must report serious research misconduct particularly where there are immediate risks to a person’s well-being, property or animals.
After your initial discussion, the RIA may consult with other experts to ensure you receive the best advice. This process may take a few days, but rest assured, your discussions will remain discreet.
Join us and help foster a culture of excellence in research integrity.
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