
Research integrity


Collaboration in research is now increasingly common, involving partnerships between researchers, institutions and organisations and extending across borders. This collaboration brings valuable expertise and resources that might not otherwise be available.


Collaborative research can present various challenges, such as:

  • Accommodating different research methodologies and practices
  • Navigating variations in regulatory and legal systems
  • Managing institutional funding arrangements and organisational structures
  • Bridging differing research cultures

These challenges are not barriers but elements to be managed through effective risk management.

The need for collaboration creates challenges concerning the responsible conduct of research due to differences across disciplines and institutions in research norms, rules and regulations. Key issues to be aware of include:

  • Sharing intellectual property
  • Managing conflicts of interest
  • Commercialising and managing research findings

Clarity on these issues is essential to realise the benefits of collaboration for all parties and the community.

As a researcher involved in collaboration, you must ensure differences in standards do not compromise the integrity of data collection and analysis. Effective collaboration starts with a clear understanding of the roles, responsibilities and expectations of each party.

Researchers collaborating with other institutions must follow the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018), the supporting Collaborative Research Guide, university policies and any agreements that govern collaborative research.

If you're interested in engaging in collaborative research, consult your Associate Dean, Research, or contact the Research Office for advice and assistance.


When entering into collaborative research arrangements or undertaking collaborative research, even when outside Australia, you should consider the following principles in conjunction with the appropriate policies, codes and agreements. Any deviation from the Code or the university's policies must obtain institutional approval.

Key principles

Principle 1

Clear agreements

  • All agreements between our researchers and partners, collaborators, or sponsors must be clearly articulated in writing.
  • These agreements should reflect integrity, honesty, and a commitment to excellence.
Principle 2

Management and administration

  • The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies, in conjunction with Research Legal, will handle the management and administration of research agreements.
  • Agreements will cover key issues such as intellectual property, sharing commercial returns, ethics and compliance clearances, conflict of interest, ownership and storage of research data and primary materials, equipment, reporting to appropriate agencies, and dissemination protocols.
Principle 3

Compliance with policies

  • Researchers must be aware of and comply with all policies and written agreements affecting the research project.
  • This includes policies related to the dissemination of research findings and the management of research data.
Principle 4

Ethics and compliance

  • Collaborative research across institutions requires approval from the university's ethics and compliance committees.
  • All collaborative research must adhere to the university's ethics and compliance policies and procedures.

Develop and monitor collaborative research agreements

Research project leaders should be engaged in the process of developing and monitoring agreements for their collaborative research projects. Other members of the project team and research administrators should be involved as appropriate. Research project leaders should ensure all members of the project team are aware of the terms of the agreement.

Comply with multi-institutional agreements and relevant institutional policies

All researchers involved in collaborative research must be aware of, understand, and comply with all policies and written agreements affecting the project. Particularly those relating to intellectual property, the publication and dissemination of research and the management of research data and primary materials.

Conduct research responsibly and report potential breaches of the agreement

All researchers involved in collaborative research projects must observe responsible research practices. You need to report any potential breaches of the agreement per the procedures that are established or referred to in the project agreement.

Advice about collaborative research agreement

When in doubt, find out. It is recommended to first chat and be guided by your research supervisor(s), alternatively, you can chat to our friendly Research Integrity Advisor Network.