
Research integrity


Sharing your research findings effectively.

Dissemination and authorship are not just about sharing findings and giving credit; they're fundamental to the integrity and ethical conduct of research. They ensure that research is transparent, accountable, and beneficial to society.

Why disseminate research

Disseminating research findings is the final step in most research projects. By making your findings publicly available, you share valuable insights with the research community, consumers, industry, policymakers, and the general public. This process not only fulfils obligations to funding bodies but also maximises the impact of your work.

Methods of dissemination

Methods of dissemination continue to evolve and expand. This can assist in effectively reaching diverse audiences. Research findings can be shared in various formats, depending on the focus of your project. Some common methods include:

  • Academic journals and books
  • Conference presentations
  • Creative works
  • Web pages
  • Professional and institutional repositories

The Code applies to all forms of dissemination.

Your responsibilities as a researcher

At Charles Sturt University, we expect all researchers to adhere to the highest standards. According to our Research Policy, you must ensure your research meets the standards defined by the Code. This includes those leading or supervising research projects.

Under the Code, researchers have the responsibility to

  1. Disseminate research findings responsibly, accurately and broadly. Where necessary, take action to correct the record in a timely manner (R23).
  2. Adopt methods appropriate to the aims of the research and ensure that conclusions are justified by the results (R21).
  3. Share and communicate research methodology, data and findings openly, responsibly and accurately (Principle 3)
  4. Retain clear, accurate, secure and complete records of all research including research data and primary materials. Where possible and appropriate, allow access and reference to these by interested parties (R22).

To encourage and support the implementation of the Code, the NHMRC released a guide to Publication and dissemination of research.

Need help

When in doubt, find out. It is recommended to first chat and be guided by your research supervisor(s), alternatively, you can chat to our friendly Research Integrity Advisor Network.