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Any individual can raise concerns about any aspect of research conducted at the University, including the processes used to review and approve research proposals. Raising concerns offers opportunities to continuously review and enhance university policies and procedures, ultimately benefiting our researchers and the quality of our research.
If there is an immediate danger to the life or health of any person, call Triple Zero (000).
If the issue is on a university campus contact campus security on 1800 931 633.
The Research Integrity Unit (RIU) primarily addresses issues such as:
If a complaint falls outside the scope of the Research Integrity Unit, it will be directed to the appropriate unit.
Concerns may be submitted via the Online Reporting System, which also offers anonymous submissions.
Alternatively, you can discuss or raise a concern with a:
If a concern has been raised and addressed but you wish to escalate further, you may also contact the University Ombudsman.
When raising a concern, its best to provide as much information and supportive evidence as possible. The online reporting system will guide you to identifying the required information. Complaints must be "actionable", meaning they must include sufficient details to proceed.
Upon receiving your concern, you'll receive an acknowledgement. Depending on the nature of your concern, we may contact you to clarify information and details.
When in doubt, find out! Seeking clarity can easily avoid potentially serious consequences. Whether you’re unsure if your question relates to research integrity or just want some guidance, reach out to our research integrity advisors who are ready for any research questions.
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