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At Charles Sturt University, research integrity is at the heart of all our research activities.
We are committed to ensuring that everyone involved in research, including coursework, understands the importance of research integrity and ethical standards.
This page provides an overview of our research integrity training, which is designed to help you understand your responsibilities and promote responsible, honest, and ethical behaviours.
Our research integrity training suite consists of three modules:
Staff can access these modules through the ELMO platform, while students, including higher degree by research students, can access them via the Research Integrity Learning Hub on Brightspace. Additionally, we highly recommend the Introduction to Research Data Management module for anyone conducting research and gathering research data.
According to the Academic Integrity Policy, the following individuals are required to complete research integrity training:
Please note that additional training requirements may apply to some staff and students due to the regulated nature of animal welfare in teaching settings.
Training must be completed every three years. To pass each module, you must achieve a score of 80% or higher.
The research integrity training modules cover key principles, responsibilities and key concepts including:
If you are interested in becoming a research supervisor, you must complete mandatory supervisor training offered by the Office of Graduate Research. This training is essential for those applying to be registered as HDR supervisors and is beneficial for any researcher interested in supervision.
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) specifies a research supervisor is responsible to:
"Provide guidance and mentorship on responsible research conduct to other researchers or research trainees under their supervision and, where appropriate, monitor their conduct R15."
Supervisory roles are guided by the NHMRC Supporting Guide for Supervision.
For more information, visit Supervisor training.
Yes. Our Research Integrity Training is tailored to include the specific policy and procedural requirements of Charles Sturt University.
Please send an email to, providing your leave dates and you will be able to complete your training when you return.
No. There is no cost associated with completing this training.
You need to self-enrol, before you can access the Research Integrity Modules.
If you are still unable to access the modules after self-enrolment, contact the Research Integrity Officer via email at