Speech assessment tools

Speech-language pathologists frequently use single word and connected speech tests to assess children's speech production.

The table below includes published tests and word lists that can be used to assess children's articulation and phonology in languages other than English.

The aim is to be as comprehensive as possible in the table below. Inclusion in the table does not indicate endorsement or guarantee availability of an assessment. Some assessments can only be purchased by people who live in the country of publication, after attending a seminar, or upon providing professional qualifications.

A review of some of the commercially available tests from the list below is here:

McLeod, S., & Verdon, S. (2014). A review of 30 speech assessments in 19 languages other than English. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23(4), 708-723. doi: 10.1044/2014_AJSLP-13-0066

If you know of additional tests or word lists please contact us.

In addition to the assessments listed below, the Intelligibility in Context Scale is available in a range of languages.

Language (dialect) Name of test (or word list)Reference Access/ purchasing information

Arabic –  Egyptian
(ﺍﻠﻌﺮﺒﯿﱠﺔ )

Mansoura Arabic Articulation Test (MAAT)

Abou-Elsaad, T., Baz, H. & El-Banna, M. (2009). Developing an articulation test for Arabic-speaking school-age children. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 61(5), 275–282.

Journal article

Arabic – Kuwaiti
(ﺍﻠﻌﺮﺒﯿﱠﺔ )

Kuwaiti Arabic Phonology Test

Ayyad, H., Bernhardt, B. M., & Stemberger, J. P. (2012). Kuwaiti Arabic Phonology Test. Kuwait University, Kuwait; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Arabic – Kuwaiti
(ﺍﻠﻌﺮﺒﯿﱠﺔ )

Kuwaiti Arabic single word list

Ayyad, H. S., Bernhardt, B. M., & Stemberger, J. P. (2016, in press). Kuwaiti Arabic: acquisition of singleton consonants. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 10.1111/1460-6984.12229

Journal article

Arabic –  Jordanian
(ﺍﻠﻌﺮﺒﯿﱠﺔ )

Amayreh Articulation Test

Amayreh, M. M. & Dyson, A.T. (1998). The acquisition of Arabic consonants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 41, 642–653.

Journal article

Arabic –  Jordanian
(ﺍﻠﻌﺮﺒﯿﱠﺔ )

Amayreh Articulation Test: Modified

Hamdan, J. M. & Amayreh, M. M. (2007). Consonant profile of Arabic-speaking school-age children in Jordan. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 59(2), 55–64.

Journal article


Bulgarian Phonology Test

Ignatova, D., Marinova-Todd, S., Stemberger, J. P. & Bernhardt, B. M. (2012). Bulgarian Phonology Test. University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

(粵語 (廣東話))

Cantonese Basic Speech Perception Test

Lee, K. Y. S. (2006). Cantonese Basic Speech Perception Test. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Purchasing information

(粵語 (廣東話))

Cantonese Phonological Assessment Guideline

So, L. K. H. (1992). Cantonese Phonological Assessment Guideline. Hong Kong: Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Hong Kong.


(粵語 (廣東話))

Cantonese Segmental Phonology Test

So, L. K. H. (1993). Cantonese Segmental Phonology Test. Hong Kong: Bradford Publishing.

Journal article

(粵語 (廣東話))

Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test (HKCAT)

Cheung, P.S.P., Ng, A. & To, C.K.S. (2006). Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test. Hong Kong: Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.


(粵語 (廣東話))

Hong Kong Cantonese Tone Identification Test

Lee, K. Y. S. (2010). Hong Kong Cantonese Tone Identification Test. Hong Kong: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Purchasing information

Danish (dansk)

Fonologisk billedtest

Kristensen, K., & Kristensen, K. (1999). Fonologisk billedtest. Copenhagen, Denmark: Dafolo.

Purchasing information

Danish (dansk)

KAJ-testen. Spontanbenævnt fonologisk test

Dahms, A.-G., Bergstrand, K. L., & Nakskov, J. (2005). KAJ-testen. Spontanbenævnt fonologisk test. Herning: Special-pædagogisk forlag.

Purchasing information

Danish (dansk)

LogoFoVa - Logopædisk udredning af Fonologiske Vanskeligheder

Clausen, M. C. (2014). LogoFoVa - Logopædisk udredning af Fonologiske Vanskeligheder [LogoFoVa - Logopaedic Assessment of Phonological Disorders]. Copenhagen, Denmark: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

Purchasing information

Danish (dansk)

Ny sproglydstest med edb-opgørelse

Ege, B. (2005). Ny sproglydstest med edb-opgørelse [New Speech Sound Test with Computerized Inventory]. Herning, Denmark: Specialpædagogisk Forlag.

Purchasing information

Danish (dansk)

SITO-testen. Fonologisk test

Grønborg, A., Epstein, A. G., Køhler, I., Olsen, H. S., Top-Jensen, K., & Rosenbeck, B. (1973). SITO-testen. Fonologisk test. Herning: Special-pædagogisk forlag. 

Grønborg, A., Epstein, A. G., Køhler, I., Olsen, H. S., Top-Jensen, K., & Rosenbeck, B. (1983). A standardized Danish phonological test. Nordisk tidsskrift for logopædi og foniatri, 8(1), 20-34.


Danish (dansk)

Sproglig test 2

Ege, B. (1997). Sproglig test 2. Herning: Special-pædagogisk forlag.

Purchasing information

Danish (dansk)


Kaufman, B., & Ege, B. (1974). Sproglydstesten [Speech Sound Test] [Danish]. Herning: Specialpaedagogisk Forlag.


Danish (dansk)

Sproglydstesten Metha

Ege, B. (1996). Sproglydstesten Metha. Herning: Special-pædagogisk forlag.

Purchasing information


Fonologische Analyse van het Nederlands (FAN)

Beers, M. (1995). The phonology of normally developing and language impaired children. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.



Logo-art articulatieonderzoek

Baarda, D., de Boer-Jongsma, N. & Haasjes-Jongsma, W. (2005). Logo-art articulatieonderzoek [Dutch]. Ternat/Axel: Baert.

Purchasing information (Test)
Purchasing information (Scoreforms)


Taaltoets Alle Kinderen

Verhoeven, L. & Vermeer, A. (2001). Taaltoets Alle Kinderen [Dutch]. Arhem: CITO.

Purchasing information (Manual/ handbook)


Taaltoets Allochtone Kinderen

Verhoeven, L., Vermeer, A. & van Guchte, C. (1986). Taaltoets Allochtone Kinderen [Dutch]. Tilburg: Zwijsen.



Utrechts Articulatie Onderzoek

Peddemors-Boon, M., van der Meulen, Sj. & de Vries, K. (1974). Utrechts Articulatie Onderzoek [Dutch]. Tilburg: Zwijsen.



Farsi Phonology Test

Shooshtaryzadeh, F. (2015). Farsi Phonology Test. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Finnish (suomi)

Artikulaation arviointitehtäviä

Vainio, L. (1993). Artikulaation arviointitehtäviä [Finnish]. Helsinki: Early Learning.


Finnish (suomi)

Artikulaatiotesti. Äänteenmukainen sanakuvatesti

Remes, K. & Ojanen, A.-K. (1996). Artikulaatiotesti. Äänteenmukainen sanakuvatesti [Finnish]. Helsinki: Early Learning Oy.


Finnish (suomi)

Fonologiatesti: Lasten äänteellisen kehityksen arviointimenetelmä

Kunnari, S., Savinainen-Makkonen, T., & Saaristo-Helin, K. (2012). Fonologiatesti: Lasten äänteellisen kehityksen arviointimenetelmä[Finnish]. Jyväskylä, Finland: Niilo Mäki Instituutti.

Purchasing information


Bilan phonologique

Asselin, C. (n.d.). Bilan phonologique: Adaptation française du Hodson Phonological Process Analysis [French]. University of Montreal.


French – Canadian

Canadian French Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for French

Bérubé, D., Bernhardt, B. M. & Stemberger, J. P. (2012). Canadian French Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for French. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*


Casse-tête d'Evaluation de la Phonologie

Auger, D. (1994). Casse-tête d'évaluation de la phonologie. Montréal: Published by author.

Norms and word list: MacLeod, A. A. N., Sutton, A., Trudeau, N., & Thordardottir, E. (2011). The acquisition of consonants in Quebecois French: A cross-sectional study of pre-school aged children. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13(2), 93109.

Journal article


Evaluation du langage oral

Khomsi, A. (2001). ELO: Evaluation du langage oral. Paris, France: Pearson.

Purchasing information


Nouvelles Épreuves pour l'Examen du Langage (N-EEL)

Chevrie-Muller, C, & Plaza, M. (2001). Nouvelle épreuve pour l'examen du langage (N-EEL). les Éditions du Centre de Psychologie Appliquée.

Purchasing information


Test de Dépistage Francophone de Phonologie (TDFP)

Rvachew, S., Brosseau‐Lapré, F. & Paul, M. (2012). Test de dépistage francophone de phonologie (version expérimentale). Montreal, Canada: McGill University

Free download


Test Francophone de Phonologie (TFP)

Paul, M. & Rvachew, S. (2008). Test Francophone de Phonologie (TFP). Montreal, Canada: McGill University.

Free download


Évaluation Préscolaire de la Phonologie Francophone

MacLeod, A.A.N. (2014). Évaluation Préscolaire de  la Phonologie Francophone. [French] Montreal, Canada: Author.



Épreuve préscolaire de conscience phonologique (EPCP)

Lefebvre, P., Girard, C., Desrosiers, K., Trudeau, N., & Sutton, A. (2008). Phonological awareness  tasks for French-speaking preschoolers [Tâches de mesure de la conscience phonologique  chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire francophones]. Canadian  Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 32(6), 158-168.

Journal article

German (Deutsch)

ADD – Aachener Dyslalie Diagnostik

Stiller, U. & Tockuss, C. (2000). ADD – Aachener Dyslalie Diagnostik – Artikulationsprüfung mit 98 Photos auf CD-Rom [German]. Braunschweig: Schubi.


German (Deutsch)

AVAK – Analyseverfahren zu Aussprachestörungen bei Kindern

Hacker, D. & Wilgermein, H. (1999). Aussprachestörungen bei Kindern [German]. München – Basel: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.

Purchasing information

German (Deutsch)

Bilderbuch zur Ausspracheprüfung bei Kindern

Hild, U. (2002). Bilderbuch zur Ausspracheprüfung bei Kindern [German]. Kassel: Orca.


German (Deutsch)

LKGSF komplex

Neumann, S. (2011). LKGSF komplex: Sprachtherapeutische Diagnostik bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Segel-Fehlbildung [German]. München: Ernst Reinhardt. GmbH

Purchasing information

German (Deutsch)

Logo Ausspracheprüfung

Wagner, I. (1994). Logo-Ausspracheprüfung [German]. Oldenburg: Logo Verlag für Sprachtherapie GbR.

Purchasing information

German (Deutsch)

Nichtlineare Phonologische Diagnostik (NILPOD)
Test and nonlinear analysis form.

Ullrich, A. (2012). Nichtlineare Phonologische Diagnostik (NILPOD) [German Phonology Test]. Köln: Universität zu Köln.

PhD dissertation
Free download*

German (Deutsch)

PAP – Pyrmonter Ausspracheprüfung

Babbe. T. (2003). PAP—Pyrmonter Aussprache Prüfung [German]. Köln: Prolog.

Purchasing information

German (Deutsch)

Patholinguistische Diagnostik von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen

Kauschke, C. & Siegmüller, J. (2002). Psycholinguistische Diagnostik von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen [German]. München: Urban & Springer.

Purchasing information

German (Deutsch)

PLAKSS-II – Psycholinguistische Analyse kindlicher Aussprachestörungen-II

Fox-Boyer, A.V. (2014).  Psycholinguitische Analyse kindlicher Aussprachestörungen-II [German] Frankfurt: Pearson-Assessment.

Purchasing information

German (Deutsch)

Ravensburger Stammler Prüfbogen

Frank, G. & Grziwotz, P. (1974). Lautprüfbogen [German]. Ravensburg: Ravensburger Sprachheilzentrum Selbstverlag.



Screening der Erstsprachefähigkeit bei Migrantenkindern

Wagner, L. (2008). Screemik Version 2. Screening der Erstsprachefähigkeit bei Migrantenkindern: Russisch-Deutsch. Türkisch-Deutsch [German]. Eugen: Wagner Verlag.

Purchasing information


Screemik Version 2. Screening der Erstsprachefähigkeit bei Migrantenkindern

Wagner, L. (2009). Screemik Version 2. Screening der Erstsprachefähigkeit bei Migrantenkindern. [German] München: Wagner.

Purchasing information


Wiener Lautprüfverfahren für Türkisch sprechende Kinder

Lammer, V., & Kalmár, M. (2004). Wiener Lautprüfverfahren für Türkisch sprechende Kinder (WIELAU-T). [German] Wien: Lernen mit Pfiff.

Purchasing information

Greek (Πρότυπο Νέας Ελληνικής)

Anomilo 4. Screening Test for Speech and Language Disorders for 4-year-old Children

Panhellenic Association of Logopedists (PAL) (Panellinios Syllogos Logopedikon) [Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Λογοπεδικών (ΠΣΛ)] (2005). Anomilo 4. Screening test for speech and language disorders for 4 year old children [Greek]. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.


Greek (Πρότυπο Νέας Ελληνικής)

Assessment of Phonetic and Phonological Development

Panhellenic Association of Logopedists (PAL) (Panellinios Syllogos Logopedikon) [Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Λογοπεδικών (ΠΣΛ)] (1995). Δοκιμασία Φωνnτικής & φωνολογικής Eξέλιξnς [Assessment of Phonetic and Phonological Development] [Greek]. Athens: Author.


Greek (Πρότυπο Νέας Ελληνικής)

Phonological Assessment for Greek (PAel)

Babatsouli, E. (2019). A phonological assessment test for child Greek. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 33(7), 601-607. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699206.2019.1569164

Free download

Ελληνικά – Greek | Phonological Development Tools (ubc.ca)

Language (dialect) Name of test (or word list)Reference Access/ purchasing information

Hungarian (Magyar)

GMP Diagnosztika [GMP Diagnostics]

Gósy, M. (1995). GMP Diagnosztika [GMP diagnostics] [Hungarian]. Budapest: Nikol.

Purchasing information

Icelandic (Íslenskur)

Icelandic Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form

Másdottir, T., Hannson, G., Stemberger, J. P. & Bernhardt, B. M. (2012). Icelandic Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form. The National Speech and Hearing Institute of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Icelandic (Íslenskur)

Málhljóðapróf ÞM [ÞM's Test of Speech Sound Disorders]

Másdóttir, Þ. [Masdottir, T.] (2014). Málhljóðapróf ÞM [ÞM's Test of Speech Sound Disorders] [Icelandic]. Reykjavik, Iceland: The National Hearing and Speech Institute of Iceland.

Purchase Information

Israeli Hebrew
(עברית )

Articulation and Naming Test

Rosin, D. & Yakir, P. (2000). Pictures for Examining Articulation and Naming of Hebrew-speaking Children in Israel. Rehovot, Israel.


Israeli Hebrew
(עברית )

Goralnik Language Screening Test

Goralnik, E. (1995). Language Screening Test for Hebrew-speaking Preschool Children. Netanya, Israel: Gai Agencies.



Le Prove per la valutazione Fonologica del Linguaggio Infantile (PFLI)

Bortolini, U. (2005). Le Prove per la valutazione Fonologica del Linguaggio Infantile (PFLI)[Italian]. Pisa Italy: Del Cerro.



Test di valutazione dell'articolazione

Fanzago,  F. (1983). Test di valutazione  dell'articolazione [Italian]. Padova: Centro Stampa Palazzo Maldura.



Japanese Articulation Test

The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (2012). Japanese Articulation Test (2nd ed). Chiba, Japan: Chiba Test Center.

Purchasing Information


Kōon Hattatsu Yosoku Kensa

Nagasawa, Y., Fujishima, S. & Oishi, M. (1985). Kōonhattatsu yosoku kensa [Japanese]. Tokyo: Kokuritsu Tokushu Kyōiku Sōgōkenkyūjo.



Japanese Phonology Test

Hara, A., Takai, O., Yamane, N., Bernhardt, B. M., Stemberger, J. P. (2012). Japanese Phonology Test. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*


The Japanese Articulation Test—Revised

Japanese Speech-Language-Hearing Association and The
Japan Society of Logopedics & Phoniatrics. (1994). The Japanese Articulation Test—Revised. Tokyo, Japan: Chiba Test Center.



Shinteiban Kotoba no Tesuto Ehon

Taguchi, T. & Ogawaguchi, H. (1992). Shinteiban kotoba no tesuto ehon – Gengo shōgaiji no senbetsu kensahō [Japanese]. Tokyo: Nihon Bunkakagakusha.



Kōon Kensahō

Funayama, M., Abe, M., Kato, M., Saito, S., Takeshita, K., Nishimura, B., Yamashita, S. & Yamashita, Y. (1989). Kōonkensahō tsuikahōkoku [Japanese]. Onsei Gengo Igaku, 30, 285–292.



Kōon Kensahō (original reference)

Abe, M., Kato, M., Saito, S., Takeshita, K., Nishimura, B., Funayama, M., Yamashita, S., & Yamashita, Y. (1981). Kōonkensahō. Onsei Gengo Igaku, 22, 209–217.



Assessment of Phonology and Articulation for Children (APAC)

Kim, M., Pae, S., Bak, C. (2004). Assessment of Phonology and Articulation for Children (APAC) . Inchon, Republic of Korea: Human Brain Research and Consulting Co.

Purchasing information


Korean Standard Picture Articulation and Phonological Test (KS-PAPT)

Seok, D.-I. (2007). Korean Standard Picture Articulation and Phonology Test (KS-PAPT). Daegu, Republic of Korea: Hakjisa. Purchasing information


Urimal Test of Articulation and Phonology (U-TAP)

Kim, Y. & Shin, M. (2004). Urimal Test of Articulation and Phonology (U-TAP). Seoul, Republic of Korea: Hakjisa Publisher.

Purchasing information


Malay Word List

Phoon, H. S., Abdullah, A. C., Lee, L. W., & Murugaiah, P. (in press). Consonant acquisition in the Malay language: A cross-sectional study of preschool aged Malay children. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, doi:10.3109/02699206.2013.868517

Journal article


Maltese-English speech assessment for children (MESA)

Grech, H., Dodd, B., & Franklin, S. (2011). Maltese-English Speech Assessment (MESA). Guardamangia, Malta: University of Malta.


(also see Putonghua, below)

Mandarin Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Mandarin

Zhao, J. & Bernhardt, B. M. (2012). Mandarin Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Mandarin. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*



Backe, L. (n.d.). Artikulasjonsprøve B [Articulation Test B][Norwegian]. Oslo: Norsk logopedlag.

Purchasing information


Artikulasjonsprøve for registrering av uttalefeil

Johnsen, K. (1987). Artikulasjonsprøve for registrering av uttalefeil [Articulation Test for Registration of Pronunciation Errors][Norwegian]. Jaren, Norway: Vigga forlag.

Purchasing information


Norsk Fonemtest

Tingleff, H. & Tingleff, Ø. (2002). Norsk Fonemtest [Norwegian Phoneme Test][Norwegian]. Oslo: Damm forlag.

Purchasing information
Purchase scoreforms separately


Norsk Logopedlags Språklydsprøve

Vidsjå, I., Hauglid, J., Kloster-Jensen, M. & Skei, A. (1983). Norsk Logopedlags Språklydsprøve [The Norwegian Association of Speech Therapist's Speech Sound Test] [Norwegian]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Purchasing information

Pakistani-heritage languages: Mirpuri, Punjabi, Urdu

BiSSS: Bilingual Speech Sound Screen: Pakistani Heritage Languages

Stow, C., & Pert, S. (2006). BiSSS: Bilingual Speech Sound Screen: Pakistani Heritage Languages. Winslow: Speechmark.

Purchasing information

Pakistani-heritage languages: Mirpuri, Punjabi, Urdu

Rochdale Assessment of Mirpuri Phonology with Punjabi, Urdu and English (RAMP)

Stow, C. & Pert, S. (1998). Rochdale Assessment of Mirpuri Phonology with Punjabi, Urdu and English: A Speech and Language Therapy Resource for the Phonological Assessment of Bilingual Children. Rochdale: Pert.


Polish  (Polski)

FLAC1  POLISH: Bilingual Assessment Materials for Speech and Language

Millar-Wilson,  F., Trolan, B., & McGuiggan, L. (2013). Functional Language Across  Countries: Polish (FLAC1 POLISH). Keighley, UK: Black Sheep Press.

Purchasing information


Punjabi phonology test plus Nonlinear Scan form

Khurana, A., Mann, S., & Bernhardt, B. M. (2012). Punjabi Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Portuguese –  Brazilian

ABFW – Teste de Linguagem infantile: Nas áreas de fonologia, vocabulário, fluência e pragmática

Andrade, C.R.F.,Befi-Lops,D.M., Fernandes, F.D.M, & Wertzner, H.F. (2000). ABFW - Teste de Linguagem infantile: Nas áreas de fonologia, vocabulário, fluência e pragmática [Portuguese].Carapicuiba, SP: Pro-Fono.

Purchasing information

Portuguese –  Brazilian

Avaliação Fonológica da criança (AFC)

Yavaş, M., Hernandorena, C.L.M. & Lamprecht, R.R. (1991). Avaliação Fonológica da criança: Reeducação e terapia [Portuguese]. Porto Alegre, RS: Artes Medicas.

Purchasing information

Portuguese – Brazilian

Portuguese Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Portuguese

Bunney, M., & Bernhardt, B. M. (2012). Portuguese (Brazilian) Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Portuguese. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Portuguese – Brazilian

TESF - Teste de Estimulabilidade dos Sons da Fala

Castro, Pagan-Neves, Barrozo, Francisco & Wertzner (2021)

Purchasing information

Portuguese – European

Teste Fonético-Fonológico-ALPE (TFF-ALPE)

Mendes, A.P., Afonso, E., Lousada, M. & Andrade, F. (2009). Teste Fonético-Fonológico-ALPE (TFF-ALPE). [Phonetic-Phonological Test][Portuguese]. Aveiro, PT.

Purchasing information

Putonghua (also see Mandarin, above)

Picture-naming task

Hua, Z. (2002). Phonological development in specific contexts: Studies of Chinese-speaking children. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. (Appendix 1, pp. 201–202)


(also see Mandarin, above)

Putonghua Segmental Phonology Test (PSPT)

So, L. K. H. & Zhou, J. (2000). Putonghua Segmental Phonology Test (PSPT). Nanjing, China: Nanjing Normal University Press.


Romanian (român)

Evaluarea Limbajului: Probe de screening educaţional

Dumitrana, M. (2009). Evaluarea Limbajului: Probe de Screening Educaţional [Evaluation of Language] [Romanian]. Bucureşti: V&I Integral.

Language (dialect) Name of test (or word list)Reference Access/ purchasing information


Samoan Word List

Ballard, E. & Farao, S. (2008). The phonological skills of Samoan speaking 4-year-olds. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 10(6), 379–391.

Journal article

Setswana Tswana

Setswana assessment wordlist, Word repetition task, Multisyllabic word table

Mahura, O. O., & Pascoe, M. (2016). The acquisition of Setswana segmental phonology in children aged 3.0–6.0 years: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 18(6), 533-549.

Journal article

Slovenian (slovenščina)

Ocena Artikulacije Govora

Globačnik, B. (1999). Ocena Artikulacije Govora [Slovenian]. Ljubljana, Slovenia: CenterKontura.

Purchasing information


Slovenian Phonology Test, plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Slovenian

Kosir, S., Ozbič, M., Kogošek, D., Stemberger, J. P. & Bernhardt, B. M.(2012). Slovenian Phonology Test, plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Slovenian. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Spanish (Español)

Assessment of Phonological Processes-Spanish

Hodson, B. (1986). Assessment of Phonological Processes-Spanish. San Diego, CA: Los Amigos Research Associates.


Spanish (Español)

Assessment of Spanish Phonology – Revised

Barlow, J. A. (2003). Assessment of Spanish Phonology-Revised. San Diego, CA: Phonological Typologies Laboratory, School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, San Diego State University.


Spanish (Español)

Austin Spanish Articulation Test

Carrow, E. (1974). Austin Spanish Articulation Test. Austin, TX: Learning Concepts.


Spanish (Español)

Bilingual  Articulation Phonology Assessment: English/Spanish (BAPA)

Fernandes,  B., Kester, E., Bauman, M., & Prath, S. (2012). Bilingual Articulation Phonology Assessment: English/Spanish.  Smarty Ears.

Purchasing information

Spanish (Español)

Bilingual  English-Spanish Assessment (BESA)

Peña, E. D., Gutiérrez-Clellen, V. F., Iglesias,  A., Goldstein, B. A., & Bedore, L. M. (2014). BESA: Bilingual  English-Spanish Assessment. San Rafael, CA: AR-Clinical Publications.

Purchasing Information

Spanish (Español)

Comprehensive Assessment of Spanish Articulation-Phonology (CASA-P)

Brice, A. E., Carson, C.K. & Dennis O'Brien, J. (2009). Spanish-English articulation and phonology of 4- and 5-year-old preschool children: An initial investigation. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 31(1), 3–14.

Journal Article

Spanish (Español)

Contextual Probes of Articulation Competence: Spanish (CPACS)

Goldstein, B. & Iglesias, A. (2006). CPACS: Contextual Probes of Articulation Competence: Spanish. Greenville, SC: Super Duper.

Purchasing information

Spanish (Español)

Hodson-Prezas Assessment of Spanish Phonological Patterns

Hodson, B. W. & Prezas, R.F. (2010). Hodson-Prezas Assessment of Spanish Phonological Patterns. Unpublished test. Wichita State University, KS.


Spanish (Español)

PLS-5: Preschool Language Scales, Fifth edition, Spanish edition

Zimmerman, I. L., Steiner, V. G., & Pond, R. E. (2012). PLS-5: Preschool Language Scales, Fifth edition, Spanish edition. Bloomington, MN: Pearson.

Purchasing information

Spanish (Español)

Southwest Spanish Articulation Test

Toronto, A. (1977). Southwestern Spanish Articulation Test. Austin, TX: National Education Laboratory Publishers.


Spanish (Español)

Spanish Articulation Measures

Mattes, L. J. (1995). Spanish Articulation Measures: Revised edition. Oceanside, CA: Academic Communication Associates.

Purchasing information

Spanish (Español)

Spanish Language Assessment Procedures

Mattes, L. J. (1985). Spanish Language Assessment Procedures. Oceanside, CA: Academic Communication Associates.

Purchasing information

Spanish (Español)

Spanish Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Spanish (AFANOL)

Chávez-Peón, M., Bernhardt, B. M., Adler-Bock, M., Mendoza, E., Carballo, G., Fresneda, M. D., Muñoz, J., & Stemberger, J. P. (2012). Spanish Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Spanish (AFANOL). University of Granada, Spain; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*

Spanish (Español)

Spanish Preschool Articulation Test: SPAT

Tsugawa, L. (2002). Spanish Preschool Articulation Test: SPAT. Billings, MT: Lexicon Press.

Purchasing information

Swedish (Svenska)

SVANTE- Svenskt artikulations- och Nasalitets Test [Swedish Articulation and Nasality Test]

Lohmander, A., Borell, E., Henningsson, G., Havstam, C., Lundeborg, I. and Persson, C. (2015). SVANTE- Svenskt artikulations- och Nasalitets Test [Swedish Articulation and Nasality Test] [Swedish]. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur.

Purchasing information

Journal article


Swedish Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Swedish

LundeborgHammarström, I., Stemberger, J. P. & Bernhardt, B. M. (2012). Swedish Phonology Test plus Nonlinear Scan Analysis form for Swedish. University of Linköping, Linköping, Sweden; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*


Tagalog Phonology Test

Lim, R.K., Bernhardt, B.M. & Stemberger, J.P. (2015). Tagalog word lists. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Free download*


Test of Articulation in Tamil (TAT)

Usha, D. (1986). Test of Articulation in Tamil (TAT). Unpublished Master's dissertation, University of Mysore, Mysore.

Journal article


Telugu Test of Articulation and Phonology (TTAP)

Vasanta, D. (1990). Maximizing phonological information from picture word articulation test. In S. V. Kacker & V. Basavaraj (Eds.). The ISHA test battery. Indian Speech Language and Hearing Association.



Thai Speech and Language Test

Prathanee, B., Pongjanyakul, A., & Chano, J. (2008). Thai Speech and Language Test for children between 1 and 2 years of age. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 43(1), 125-140.

Journal article

ภาษาไทย )

Test for Hypernasality, Audible Nasal Emission,Turbulence, and Consonant Production Errors

Prathanee, B., Lorwatanapongsa, P., Anantapong, D., & Buakanok, N. (2011). Thai speech parameters for patients with cleft palate in a universal reporting system. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing, 14(1), 31–49.

Journal article

ภาษาไทย )

Thai Speech and Language Test for Children aged 2½-4

Prathanee, B., Lorwatanapongsa, P., Makarabhirom, K., & Wattanawongsawang, W. (2010 ). Thai speech and language norms for children 2 1/2 to 4 years of age. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 93(Suppl 4), S7-15.

Journal article

Turkish (Türkçe)

Ankara artikülasyon testi [Ankara Articulation Test]

Ege, P., Acarlar, F. & Turan, F. (2004). Ankara artikülasyon testi [Ankara Articulation Test] [Turkish]. Ankara: Key Tasarim.

Purchasing information

Turkish (Türkçe)

Eskişehir Konuşma Değerlendirme Test Takımı [Eskisehir Assessment of Speech Test]

Özsoy, Y. (1982). Eskişehir Konuşma Değerlendirme Test Takımı [Eskisehir Assessment of Speech Test] [Turkish]. Eskişehir, Turkey: Anadolu University Press.


Turkish (Türkçe)

Konuşma sorunlu çocukların sesbilgisel çözümleme yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of Speech Disordered Children by Phonological Analysis]

Topbaş, S. (1998). Konuşma sorunlu çocukların sesbilgisel çözümleme yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of Speech Disordered Children by Phonological Analysis][Turkish]. Eskişehir, Turkey: Anadolu University Press.


Turkish (Türkçe)

Türkçe Sesletim-Sesbilgisi Testi (SST). [Turkish Articulation and Phonology Test]

Topbaş, S. (2005). Türkçe Sesletim-Sesbilgisi Testi (SST). [Turkish Articulation and Phonology Test][Turkish]. Ankara, Turkey: Milli EğitimYayınevi 4. Akşam Sanat Okulu.


Turkish (Türkçe)

Nazometrik  Değerlendirme Aracı (NADA). [Nasometric Assessment Scale]

Ünal,  Ö & Topbaş, S. (2012). Nazometrik Değerlendirme Aracı (NADA). [Nasometric  Assessment Scale][Turkish]. İstanbul, Turkey: Erişçi Elektronik Ltd.


Turkish (Türkçe)

Türkçe  Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Testi (TR-NWR). [Turkish Nonword Repetition Test]

Topbaş,  S., Kacar, D., Kopkalli-Yavuz, H. (2013). Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Testi  (TR-NWR). [Turkish Nonword Repetition Test][Turkish]. Eskişehir, Turkey:  Anadolu University.


Turkish (Türkçe)

Türkisch-Artikulations-Test (TAT). [Turkish Articulation Test]

Nas, V. (2010). Türkisch-Artikulations-Test (TAT). (Turkish Articulation Test). [German]. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Purchasing information

Vietnamese (Việt)

Articulation Test: Vietnamese

Cheng, L. L. (1991). Assessing Asian Language Performance, (2nd ed.). Oceanside, CA: Academic Communication Associates.


Vietnamese (Việt)

Southern dialect Vietnamese phonological probe

Tang, G., & Barlow, J. (2006). Characteristics of the sound systems of monolingual Vietnamese-speaking children with phonological impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 20(6), 423-445.

Journal article

Vietnamese (Việt)

Vietnamese consonant word list
Vietnamese vowel word list

Hwa-Froelich, D., Hodson, B. W., & Edwards, H. T. (2002). Characteristics of Vietnamese phonology. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 11(3), 264-273.

Journal article


Dyfed Screening Test of Articulation and Language

Donohue, A., Holding, J., & Jones, V. (1983). Dyfed Screening Test of Articulation and Language. Swansea, Wales: East Dyfed Health Authority.


Xhosa (isiXhosa)

Xhosa and English articulation test

Mowrer, D., & Burger, S. (1991). A comparative analysis of phonological acquisition of consonants in the speech of 2 1/2 - 6-year Xhosa- and English-speaking children. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 5, 139-164.

Journal article

* The Bernhardt and Stemberger Crosslinguistic Project Assessment Tools have been created as part of the Crosslinguistic Project on Phonological Development: Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council-Funded Project to B. May Bernhardt and Joseph P. Stemberger, 2009-2013.http://blogs.ubc.ca/crosslinguisticprojectmaterials/

Email: Professor May Bernhardt bernharb@mail.ubc.ca


McLeod, S. (2012). Multilingual speech assessment. In S. McLeod & B. A. Goldstein (Eds.), Multilingual aspects of speech sound disorders in children (pp. 113-143). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Suggested citation

McLeod, S. (2012). Multilingual speech assessments. Bathurst, NSW, Australia: Charles Sturt University. Retrieved from http://www.csu.edu.au/research/multilingual-speech/speech-assessments