Allen Ross

Professor Allen Ross

Professor of Medicine

MBBS, MMed (IM), MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP Edin, FRCPath


Professor Ross’ expertise and research interests lie in the realm of community medicine, rural and remote health, global health, enteric diseases, disease control, pandemic planning, and vaccination. Professor Ross completed a Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.Sc.) and a Masters of Science (M.Sc.) in Human Biology in Canada before proceeding to Brisbane, Australia where he completed a Doctorate of Public Health (Ph.D., Tropical Health) with High Distinction and Vice Chancellor Commendation, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S., Honors), Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) and a Doctorate of Medical Science (D.Sc.) through the University of Queensland. He completed a Masters of Medicine in Internal Medicine (M.Med., IM) with Distinction through the University of Sydney. He is the author or co-author on over 165 international peer-reviewed publications.