Prospectus 2024-2028

Throughout 2023 Southern NSW Innovation Hub consulted with stakeholders on the Hub’s future direction and how we can best achieve outcomes for the communities within the Hub’s footprint. Based on that feedback the Hub's prospectus for 2024-2028 has been developed.

The prospectus is a high-level vision for the Hub’s operations for the 2024-2028 period and proposes the inclusion of five on-the-ground programs of work

  • Social and Cultural Resilience
  • Enhancing and Preserving the Natural Environment
  • Ground Cover
  • Soil Health
  • Water and Water Use

The prospectus is based on the Hub receiving annual cash funding of $6.25 million from the FDF and partners. This reflects current spending levels and inflation impacts; what is required to maintain current momentum amongst collaborators; and an enhanced and targeted focus on five Impact Areas identified for the SNSW region.

The prospectus has been submitted to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry so that it can be considered in the development of the Future Drought Fund 2024-28 Funding Plan.