Hub helps Little River Landcare tap into a broader network

Collaborating with the Southern NSW Innovation Hub helped Little River Landcare expand its award-winning Soil PET (People, Education and Technology) Project

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Little River Landcare Group is in the Little River Catchment Area between the informal border between Northern and Southern NSW. Its vision is to nurture a healthy, productive and diverse biological and social environment. Its community of practice (CoP) includes landholders, land managers, local businesses, community groups, schools and residents.

In 2021 Little River Landcare secured funding for a major project, Soil PET (People, Education and Technology), through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and the Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities initiative.

Over two years, Little River Landcare’s Soil PET Project tested mechanisms of engagement and information transfer, filling gaps in local soil science knowledge and improving landholders’ understanding of their soil health and how to manage it effectively. Experts from the NSW Soils Knowledge Network and the Soils Unit of the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) provided soil testing and ensured that people received accurate advice. In June 2024 the project won a NSW Landcare Sustainable Agriculture Award.

Our role

Following the success of its Soil PET Project, Little River Landcare Project Officer Phoebe Gulliver reached out to the Southern NSW Innovation Hub to get help with taking it to the next level. This included working closely with the Hub’s Chief Knowledge Broker Dale Stringer on refining the project idea, developing a detailed plan for its second phase, and identifying ways to scale up by working with new collaborators.

The plan for the extension of Little River Landcare’s Soil PET Project (phase two) involves helping landholders to understand various ways that they can manage their soils effectively and start to be proactive with actions such as nutrient budgeting.


Once the project plan for phase two of Soil PET project was developed in detail, both the Hub and Little River Landcare were on the lookout for investment opportunities that could make it happen. That meant when new capacity building grants opened up, the proposal was ready to go, and Little River Landcare could quickly apply for funding.

Little River Landcare Project Officer Phoebe Gulliver said, “Working with the Hub was a positive experience and brought with it valuable opportunities for new ideas and new collaborations.”

Phoebe also mentioned that a big benefit of receiving advice and support from the Hub was that Little River Landcare could retain complete ownership of the project.

Working with Southern NSW Innovation Hub on scoping and refining the second phase of its Soil PET Project meant Little River Landcare had the plan and its network of collaborators ready to go when the right funding opportunity came along.