Managing Biosecurity Risks

Biosecurity incursions from pests, diseases, weeds can significantly impact agricultural trade, environment and communities, and greatly cost, if not devastate, individual producers and entire industries. Current biosecurity management systems could be significantly enhanced by providing an opportunity for greater farm, supply chain and community participation in preparedness within regions and across sectors to support existing biosecurity management systems and strategies.

The  Managing Biosecurity Risks project won a 2024 Australian Biosecurity Award in the community category for its work with high value industry and producers in Southern NSW to find ways to increase the speed of tracking possible vectors to reduce, halt or eradicate biosecurity threats.

This project is part of our Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program, a joint initiative with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.


  • Bring together key stakeholders to extend regional understanding and participate in regional biosecurity profiling.
  • Focus on identifying early risks, establishing preventative measures, monitoring threats and appropriate and rapid responses.
  • Simulate the effectiveness of commercial tracing technology and engage NSW wine producers, supply chain, community and response agencies to maximise biosecurity preparedness and management.


  • Improve collaboration between government, producers, supply chains and community to further enhance biosecurity preparedness and response capabilities.
  • Test a technology and data driven system of biosecurity preparedness for response agencies, producers, supply chain and community.
  • Establish a participation framework in profiling regional preparedness to biosecurity threats that could be applied across industries and Australia.
  • Develop a strategic road map for how to engage regions in active biosecurity preparedness and prevention activities.

Read the project fact sheet to find out more

Project outputs

‘Biosecurity Preparedness in Southern NSW’ Strategic Investment Framework

Track and Trace project final report

Strengthening Biosecurity Preparedness Framework

Regional Profiling for Biosecurity - background report

Project partners

The Managing Biosecurity Risks project was a collaboration across Southern NSW Innovation Hub, NSW DPI, NSW Wine, and Onside.

Project funding

The Southern NSW Innovation Hub's Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program is a joint initiative with the Australian Government's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, in alignment with the National Agricultural Innovation Priorities.

The Hub is building strong working relationships between farmers, industries, researchers and associated organisations across the region to increase adoption of innovation and technology and drive tangible on-farm and in-community benefits across the entire Southern NSW region.

Managing Biosecurity project funders and partners