Case studies
Preparing with Hindsight Case Studies were a community engagement project conducted by Southern NSW Innovation Hub partners FarmLink Research, Central West Farming Systems, Riverine Plains, Southern Growers, Irrigated Cropping Council, Irrigation Research and Extension Committee and Holbrook Landcare Group.
This Preparing with Hindsight project resulted in the collection of experiences of a range of landholders through the stages of pre-drought, in drought and drought recovery from the 2018/19 event. It contributed to the Southern NSW Innovation Hub’s focus on working with farmers and communities to identify ways to increase resilience to drought.
The result was seven case studies about the unique experiences of different farmers across Southern NSW.
Community forums
Southern NSW Innovation Hub’s Preparing with Hindsight Forums were held in Bega, Deniliquin and Condobolin in early 2024 as a unique opportunity for communities to reflect on their experiences of drought - both bad and good - and simultaneously prepare for the future using the wisdom of the past.
Some of the most valuable insights gathered at the Forums were recommendations for the actions that need to be taken now to prepare for future droughts and climate variability. These ranged from targeted agricultural extension to better small business planning, speeding up government responsiveness to drought, increasing coordination between agencies and departments, and more investment in community development.
By organising and facilitating the Forums, Southern NSW Innovation Hub brought communities together on the topic of drought resilience, instigating new ideas, actions, and proactive preparedness for future climate variability.
Read the Preparing with Hindsight Forums report