Early Insights for More Resilient Communities

Extreme climate events such as droughts, bushfires and floods are no longer a once in a lifetime event. Such events often have a cumulative effect on communities and there are currently very few tools for identifying the early warning signs or detecting changes in community wellbeing over time.

The Early Insights for More Resilient Communities project is focused on developing tools that will allow us to identify changes in community resilience sooner so support services can tailor solutions where they are needed to assist individuals, groups and communities to work through change.

Bringing together preeminent researchers, the latest literature, and a range of disparate and novel data sets – such as social media use and buying patterns – the project has developed a set of indicators that can act as early warning signals to measure changes in resilience.

This project is part of our Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program, a joint initiative with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Read the project fact sheet to find out more

Project reports

Learn more about prioritising resilience indicators and read the full research report, including appendices.

Project partners

This project is a collaboration across Southern NSW Innovation Hub, Charles Sturt University, Australian National University, University of Canberra, and University of Wollongong.

Project funding

The Southern NSW Innovation Hub's Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program is a joint initiative with the Australian Government's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, in alignment with the National Agricultural Innovation Priorities.

The Hub is building strong working relationships between farmers, industries, researchers and associated organisations across the region to increase adoption of innovation and technology and drive tangible on-farm and in-community benefits across the entire Southern NSW region.

Resilient Communities dashboard project funders and partners