Scholarships from external providers

If you're a future or current student, you can apply for scholarships from external organisations right throughout the year. These scholarships may be based on specific criteria or they’re open to all students.

What scholarships am I eligible for?

Scroll down to see the currently available scholarships. We update this list frequently.

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Charles Sturt University provides information on scholarships which are funded by third parties as a service to students only, and it is not a complete list. Charles Sturt University does not endorse the goods or services which may be provided by these third parties, nor do we warrant the accuracy or suitability of any content on their websites. If you access these websites, you do so at your own risk. You must assess for yourself the suitability and conditions of any available scholarships.

Charles Sturt University are not part of the application process for these scholarships, and as such are unable to provide updates of a students' application status.

Available external scholarships

Scholarship Name Who can apply Study AreaAmount Closing Date
NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. and John Holland Pty Ltd.
STEM Scholarship
Recognised First Nations student attending enrolled in a NSW STEM course.Science, Technology, Engineering, Math$15,000.003rd April 2025 (9am)
Postgraduate Nursing and Midwifery ScholarshipsRegistered nurses and midwives who are studying a postgraduate course.Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or MastersUp to $10,000.009th April 2025 
Joan Ritchie AwardMature aged female students, in their second year of full-time study, who are experiencing personal disadvantage.Mixed$2,000.0017th April 2025
2025 WIL Australia Student ScholarshipsDomestic or International students travelling over 60km to a new RRMA location (see link), for a full-time 3 week or longer Work Integrated Learning placement.Mixed$1,500.002nd May 2025
ShowPo Future Female Founders ProgramIndividual female students over 18 years old, with a passion for entrepreneurship and eCommerce, willing to submit a business proposal.Mixed$5,000.0011th May 2025
NSW Teachers Federation ScholarshipsStudents  currently residing in NSW who went to a public secondary school, who join the Federation Teachers Union (free to join for students). See the link for further criteria.Teaching/Education$4,000.0030th May 2025
GlobalScholarships Scholarship for International StudentsInternational students planning to pursue their studies outside their home country.Mixed$3,000.0031st May 2025
1040 Abroad International Studies ScholarshipUnited States students currently living outside of the United States, with a (US) GPA of 3.8 or higher.Mixed$1,000.00 (USD)1st June 2025
Frank Hal-Bentick Education FundAny age students living in Australia, living with a disability. MixedUp to $2,500.0030 June 2025
GyanDhan Scholarship 2025International Students who have applied for their post graduate degree, and received an offer letter.MixedINR 1,00,000  (around $1,860 AUD)Opens 1st June 2025, Closes 31st August 2025
Savvy New Canadians Financial Literacy ScholarshipInternational Students studying  full-time in Canada who have reached the age or majority.Mixed$1,000.00 CAD22nd September 2025
Jade Finance ScholarshipStudents who have completed at least one year of tertiary study.MixedUp to $5,000.001st November 2025
Larsen Jewellery Design ScholarshipStudents who display an interest and passion for jewellery, design or visual arts, and are enrolled in a related course.Mixed$3,000.0030th November 2025
The Scholarship for Aspiring CreativesStudents who are passionate about jewellery, design or visual arts.Design-related courses$3,500.001st December 2025
Elevate: Boosting Diversity in STEMDomestic students identifying as female or non-binary, undertaking a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathamatics relating course.STEM relatedUp to $30,000.00Opening 1st May 2025,  closing  9:00am 1st September 2025
Teachers of STEM Initiative Scholarship First Nations women willing to complete education studies to focus on teaching STEM  Mixed Up to $30,000.00 Ongoing
CEDoW Mid-Degree Pre-Service Teachers Scholarship Students undertaking a primary or secondary teaching degree, entering their third year of undergrad or second year of a post-graduate teaching degree Primary or Secondary Teaching degree, specialising in Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science including Chemistry, Biology and Physics, Software design and information processes technology, Technology and Applied Studies Up to $10,000.00 Ongoing  
Grow Your Own Teacher Training Program Australian citizen or permanent resident, currently working in a permanent or long-term temporary school administrative and support staff SASS role in a NSW public school. Teaching and Education $10,000 training allowance per year, pre tax, up to $30,000 Ongoing
Grow Your Own Local Teacher Pipeline Australian citizen or permanent resident, willing to undertake an accredited teaching degree. Teaching and Education Up to $30,000.00 Ongoing
Teach Rural scholarship Australian citizen or permanent resident, completing an initial teacher education, or completing the HSC in a NSW or ACT secondary school or TAFE NSW institute in 2023 and intend on enrolling in an initial teacher education program Teaching and Education $7,500.00 per year, up to $50,000.00 equivalent course contribution fees Ongoing
Graduate Teacher Scholarship Final-year teacher education students studying to become teachers of high-demand subject areas Teaching and Education One-off training allowance of $5,000.00, a $10,000.00 appointment allowance Ongoing
Teacher Education Scholarship - Aboriginal Students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, be continuing or entering an initial teacher education program, including initial integrated teacher education programs, or an undergraduate degree followed by an initial teacher education program Teaching and Education Up to $7,500.00 per year whilst studying full-time, a $6,000.00 appointment allowance  Ongoing
Tertiary Health Study SubsidiesVarious subsidies available to nursing, medical, midwifery, paramedical or allied health students. willing to commit to working with Health NSW.HealthUp to $12,000.00Ongoing
Teachers of STEM Initiative Scholarship Female Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander identifying students, studying an undergraduate STEM teaching course, or upgrading your teaching qualifications with a STEM course, or Studying a Masters of Teaching to support an existing STEM qualification.  STEM and Teaching Up to $30,000.00 Ongoing
Are you an International Student, or  Australian students looking to study internationally? Click here to search a database of scholarships that may potentially suit your needs. (please exercise caution when navigating external sites and/or supplying personal information)