
Samantha Kourtis

"At university I was inspired to become a community pharmacist who became an integral part of and made a difference toe health outcomes of my community. I am extremely proud to be representing community pharmacy and am hoping that I will be able to inspire more women in healthcare to step into ownership and leadership roles. It's exciting to own a business that is kicking goals as a result of my business strategies, especially in the face of PBS reforms. It is possible to be a successful business owner and deliver ethical and viable healthcare.” 

Samantha Kourtis
Pharmacist and Telstra 2014 ACT Business Woman of the Year
Capital Chemist, Charnwood ACT

The Pharmacy Foundation
School of Dentistry and Medical Sciences
Charles Sturt University
Boorooma Street Wagga Wagga NSW
Correspondence: Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2678

Justin Williams
Faculty Advancement Officer
Telephone : (02) 6338 4680