Capital Appeal

New Equine Isolation Unit:

With the emergence of the Hendra virus and the concern with both human and horse health it has become apparent that the isolation unit that is currently available at the Veterinary Clinical Centre needs to be expanded to accommodate the ever growing number of clients. The isolation unit enables an animal to be completely separated including the waste to prevent further spread of potential diseases.

Estimated cost of this facility: $1.5 million

New High Speed Equine Treadmill Building:

University funding has been secured for the purchase of a high speed equine treadmill for clinical, teaching and research purposes. The treadmill will be utilised in several courses, particularly augmenting Equine and Veterinary Science teaching, and will strengthen our equine research capacity. Diagnostic services available to performance and racing horses will be greatly enhanced with the provision of state of the art investigation of airway, pulmonary and cardiac function, poor performance, biomechanics and lameness.

We are now seeking funding towards the building of a suitable facility to house this treadmill which will be the only one of its kind between Sydney and Melbourne.

Estimated cost of the building: $300,000

Small Animal Referral Hospital:

As the demand for the services of the small animal referral hospital increase it has become apparent that a larger one will need to be built. At this stage it is envisaged that the building will be located next to the Veterinary Clinical Centre on Agricultural Avenue.

Estimated cost at this stage: $5 millionFundraising Bar

If you would like to discuss additional ways that you can support the Veterinary Training Facilities at Charles Sturt University please contact the Foundation.