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The University’s Sustainability Statement confirms our commitment to maintaining a leadership position in sustainability practices in the higher education sector.
Sustainability is a key performance measure for the University. Through our long standing commitment to sustainability, we have a strong track record in achieving sustainability outcomes.
Download the Sustainability statement
We are committed to incorporating sustainability into our actions and practices as part of our responsibility to the community and the environment.
We take the approach that sustainability is a process that integrates environmental, social and economic considerations into decision making with the goal of creating a thriving and healthy society. Our focus is on improving the quality of life for all citizens without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely. Sustainability is based on a simple principle: everything that we need for our survival and wellbeing depends, either directly or indirectly, on the natural environment.
Our contributions to the sustainability process start with how we use and build on our connections to the global community and the shared knowledge gained from research, our creative approaches to learning and teaching, our positive community partnerships, and our modelling of sustainability on our campuses.
As Australia’s first certified carbon neutral university, we recognise that climate change remains one of the single greatest environmental and social challenges that we face as a species and will actively seek to be part of the global response that is needed.
We have adopted the Learning in Future Environments (LiFE) index as a structured process for evaluating current operations that support or impede best sustainability practices and identifying strategies for improvement. As Australia’s largest regional university, we recognise and value our role and responsibility in promoting best sustainable practices and subscribe to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Nganga-dha garray-gu, bila-galang-gu! Yandu garray-bu bila-galang-bu ngan-ga-girri nginyalgir
Look after the land and the rivers, then the land and the riivers will look after you.
Yindyamarra Winhanganha
The wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in.
Charles Sturt recognises and acknowledges the diversity and unique position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of Australian and the islands of the Torres Strait, in accordance with local Indigenous laws and customs.
Charles Sturt recognises that sustainable practices are in herent within Indeigenous culture and seeks to learn from this.