Bus Subsidy Application Form

Sustainability at Charles Sturt's bus subsidy is available to student clubs and associations to assist with the cost of buses to and from university associated events.

Clubs can apply twice per year and the subsidy pays for 50% of bus hire to a maximum of $200 per subsidy.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Club Details
Student Representation & Clubs Officer see link provided at top of page
Travel details
Campus / town location is fine
Date of event * Commencing travel
Date (s) of return * Returning to destination
Please upload the quote from bus hire company detailing intended travel and overall cost. The subsidy will be paid upon completion of travel into the nominated account once promotional activities are undertaken. The value of the subsidy is 50% of the quoted cost up to a maximum of $200. (Emailed quotes and hire fee's or booking confirmations are fine - forward any emails to sustainability@csu.edu.au)
Promotional Activities

To qualify for the Sustainability at Charles Sturt Bus subsidy please confirm you agree to undertake the following promotional activities:

Follow and share our Sustainability at Charles Sturt Instagram page and Sustainability website. * https://www.instagram.com/sustainabilityatcharlessturt/ and https://www.csu.edu.au/sustainability/
Make an announcement on the bus *
Display Bus Share posters * Posters are available from Student Liaison Officers
Photos *