Mixed Recyclables

Mixed recyclables

We have three types of bins at CSU, which are located in central areas and emptied by the cleaning staff in your building.

How to use recycling bins

Using the right bin

Use the right bin for your waste and you’ll:

  • reduce our carbon footprint
  • increase our rates of recycling
  • reduce contamination
  • reduce costs

Mixed recyclables

Put these in YELLOW mixed recycling bins:

  • aluminium cans
  • glass bottles
  • plastics 1,2,3,4,5

Do not put these in mixed recycling bins:

  • food waste
  • office paper
  • packaging


Put these in BLUE paper bins:

  • clean office paper
  • magazines
  • newspaper
  • standard-duty cardboard


Put these in RED landfill bins:

  • packaging
  • non-recyclables

Please recycle paper, plastic containers, batteries and food waste where available.

A Desktop Eco bin

Desktop bin

In your desktop red cube you can collect mixed waste throughout your workday. When the red bin is full, take it to your nearest recycling station and empty the contents into a mixed recycling, paper-only or landfill bin.
Put these in RED desktop bins:

  • mixed waste and recyclables