Business and Industry Engagement - Best Practice

Message to Students, Staff and Local Community

As an educational institution, we’re viewed as a leader in growth and innovation. It’s our responsibility to engage with the community, in particular with business and industry and commit to working together to benefit wider society.

Charles Sturt University’s relationship with business and industry may be to share physical space or equipment; to encourage collaborative teaching and research projects, to incubate or support new companies; or to provide real-world learning opportunities for students or recent graduates.

Charles Sturt, like other educational institutions, contributes to the local economy. We do this directly; through the procurement of local products and services, or indirectly; by strengthening the local workforce through skills development. You can support this by using (and encouraging others to use) local businesses and services.


Samantha Beresford Director, External Engagement Wagga Wagga/AW
Julia Andrews Director, External Engagement Orange/Bathurst
James McKechnie Director, External Engagement Dubbo
Kate Wood-FoyeDirector, External EngagementPort Macquarie
Annabelle HillsdonInternal Communications ManagerBathurst
Amber MarksDirector, Business DevelopmentBathurst
Laura GibsonCommunity Relations OfficerDubbo
Heather Robinson Lecturer School of Biomedical Sciences Orange
Blaze Coops Business Development Officer Bathurst
Lisa StoutCommunity Relations OfficerWagga Wagga

Progress Toward Best Practice

This framework was benchmarked with Business and Industry Interface in 2016. The below graph illustrates our progress towards best practice across the eight (8) activity areas.  The green bars reaching four (4) highlight best practice and the lower bars in blue indicate Charles Sturt University’s current baseline ratings.