Committed to a safe workplace

Charles Sturt University is committed to providing a workplace that is safe and healthy for all our staff, students, contractors, and visitors. Throughout 2021, COVID-19 response planning and execution was a focus for our Wellbeing, Health and Safety (WHS) teams.

During 2021, the WHS team promoted and offered a series of health and wellbeing initiatives for all our staff and students, including influenza vaccination programs, exercise challenges, corporate health and fitness programs, an employee assistance program and self-care resources to assist during COVID-19.

Our security services provided a combination of on-campus staff, mobile patrols, 24/7 emergency response and static guarding during the year. We also updated and improved staff and student-facing online emergency response information and tested our Student Critical Incident Plan.

Our All Injury Frequency Rate (the number of work-related recordable injuries per million hours worked) reduced to 1.5 by the conclusion of 2021, a figure which favourably exceeded sector benchmarks. There were no prosecutions under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 during 2021.

Related SDG

  • 8. Decent work and economic growth

Priority area

  • Economic impact

Related impact