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Dr Anna Turner on site whilst undertaking field work as part of the frog monitoring project.
A love for the outdoors and being around animals led a Charles Sturt University PhD graduate and University Medal winner, Dr Anna Turner, to undertake research focused on enhancing the ecological health of freshwater ecosystems under the supervision of Associate Professor in Ecology, Skye Wassens.
During her PhD Anna surveyed populations of the endangered Southern Bell Frog to determine if they are infected with the deadly amphibian chytrid fungus and if so, how it affects their population age structure, growth rates and their survival under different water management scenarios.
The outcomes of Anna’s research will aid in the conservation of the Southern Bell Frog and be incorporated into advising environmental water management decisions. They will also form part of a broader Monitoring, Evaluation and Research program Charles Sturt is delivering on behalf of the Commonwealth Environment Water Holder.
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Dr Anna Turner