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Three Rivers Department of Rural Health Melissa Nott, Acting Disability Strategy Manager, Western NSW Local Health District Merryn John, Clinical Nurse Consultant and Team Leader Specialist Intellectual Disability Health Team, Western NSW Local Health District Alison Devitt, Disability Project Manager, Western NSW Local Health District Lisa Maxley and Director, Charles Sturt University Three Rivers Department of Rural Health Christine Howard.
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated a rapid shift in provision of services from face-to-face to virtual care and highlighted the challenges and opportunities created by providing online care. Charles Sturt’s Three Rivers Department of Rural Health is partnering with Western New South Wales Local Health District and South Western Sydney Local Health District to research the increased need for virtual services delivery for people with intellectual disabilities. The project, titled “Feasibility, acceptability, resource implications and early outcome indicators of Specialist Intellectual Disability Services delivered virtually”, was awarded more than $300,000 in funding. The project aims to inform the future direction of virtual care service delivery for people with intellectual disabilities and their families, co-design resources to support the engagement of clients, families, and clinicians in virtual care, and ensure access to specialist services in areas of geographical remoteness. The project is funded under the NSW Health Translational Research Grants Scheme.
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Vital disability services to move online