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Two passionate communication students, Faith Hanstock and Sophie Norris (pictured), are celebrating their third year on air with the radio talk show, Feministory. This half-hour talk show, produced at the 2MCE Bathurst campus community radio station, displays Faith and Sophie’s dedication to female empowerment, audio production and storytelling. Each episode is scripted and delivered by the students, spotlighting a remarkable woman from history, known as ‘Feministory’s fabulous female of the week’. These remarkable women have ranged from mathematician Ada Lovelace to novelist Mary Shelley and Australian icon Olivia Newton-John. To mark International Women’s Day 2023, Faith and Sophie produced a special episode examining the life of French philosopher and feminist Simone de Beauvoir, renowned for advocating for gender equality.
2MCE Station Manager Rebecca Wotzko supports students with production and actively encourages innovation and diversity in the form and content of programming. 2MCE is an important learning and teaching resource for the Bachelor of Communication (CRICOS 0101020) in the School of Information and Communication Studies. All 45 episodes of Feministory are available to listen to through the 2MCE website.
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