
Operating Theatres

The Centre includes a modern surgical facility with sophisticated equipment and instrumentation that will enable surgeons to perform a wide range of procedures on horses and other large animals.

Equine Isolation Facility (EIF)

Opened in 2020, this state of the art complex contains 6 stables for the care of horses requiring either isolation (due to contagious infection) or intensive care.

The stables:

  • are each equipped with a foal stall for neonatal intensive care cases
  • are each serviced from their own ante-rooms so that barrier nursing and infection control is easily maintained
  • have their own independent air flow and ventilation system to prevent the spread of aerosolised pathogens
  • are maintained at negative pressure to prevent the release of aerosolised pathogens
  • have all waste water treated before leaving the facility

In addition, two of the stables are equipped with gantries, allowing for hoisting and the use of an Anderson Sling to support horses recovering from a variety of conditions including the neurological symptoms associated with flavivirus infection.

The EIF also houses a procedures room with X-ray, ultrasound and endoscopic equipment to facilitate the diagnostic work up of horses in intensive care or isolation. A small diagnostic laboratory is also situated adjacent the procedures room for clinical pathology testing.

To support the care of horses in the EIF, the complex also contains a dedicated laundry as well as feed, bedding and waste areas.

Reproduction Unit

The VCC reproduction unit services are supported by facilities including:

  • Stallion yards
  • Mare and foal stalls and yards
  • Semen collection facility
  • Diagnostic laboratory
  • Cryopreservation room

High Speed Treadmill

The high speed treadmill facilitates the investigation of poor performance in equine athletes by providing the ability to conduct:

  • Post exercise cardiovascular examinations
  • Endoscopic examination of the upper airway during and after exercise

Charles Sturt Equine Centre Arenas

Access to the indoor and outdoor arenas at the adjacent Equine Centre provides the opportunity to evaluate lameness and poor performance in a horse while ridden.