Conference feedback

Thank you for being involved in our 2024 Dhuluny Conference.

Use this form to provide feedback on our conference.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
About our conference
Presenter or attendee?
If you were a presenter, are you happy for us to use any materials you presented at the conference in other publications (we will talk to you about this)?
Text, speech, images or other materials related to your presentation
Tell us in 250 words (or less) what we did well or where we could improve
Are you happy for us to publish your comments above on our conference site or in other publications? *
Are you happy for your comments above to be attributed to your name? *
Registration statement
Are you happy for us to publish your registration statement on our conference site or in other publications? * Your registration statement was provided to us when you registered for our conference
Are you happy for your registration statement to be attributed to your name? *
Conference media
Would you be interested in being interviewed for a podcast? *