
Dhuluny 1824-2024: 200 Years of Wiradyuri Resistance Conference

Conference was held at Charles Sturt Bathurst in August.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples accessing this website are advised that the pages do include names of people who have died and, where possible, the inclusion of those names has been made after permissions granted by family members.

On 14 August 1824 New South Wales Colonial Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane declared martial law in the region. This declaration was the first use in New South Wales of martial law against Aboriginal people.

The bicentenary is an opportunity to focus on the legacies of these events and their consequences for Wiradyuri people, settlers and colonists of the Bathurst region.

It is also a time to progress reconciliation by marking these shared histories and how they are reflected in the broader history of the Australian (Frontier) Wars.

About the conference

Program and events


Partners and sponsors

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