Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples accessing this website are advised that the pages do include names of people who have died and, where possible, the inclusion of those names has been made after permissions granted by family members.
Confirmed keynote speakers included in the conference program on Thursday and Friday include:
Bathurst-based Wiradyuri Elder and Traditional Owner; Direct Descendant of Wiinymaldhaany (Wiindhuraydhine, Windradyne, Fire-maker); Elder-in-Residence, Charles Sturt University.
Bathurst-based Wiradyuri Elder and Traditional Owner; Elder-in-Residence and Scholarly Teaching Fellow, School of Psychology, Charles Sturt University.
Bathurst-based Wiradyuri Elder; Elder-in-Residence and Gulaay staff member, Charles Sturt University.
Lynda-June Coe is a proud Wiradjuri and Torres Strait Islander woman, activist, academic and PhD candidate (Macquarie University).
Professor Marcia Langton AO is an anthropologist and geographer, and since 2000 has held the Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne.