Staff development
As a University, we promote lifelong learning. Find out about staff development options and how you can support the development and advancement of your people.
How to develop your staff
We are committed to promoting lifelong learning and development, as well as fostering growth and innovation.
As a manager, you contribute to workforce and succession planning and need to consider development opportunities for your staff that will both benefit the University and help the staff member achieve their career goals. There are a variety of ways development can occur, including:
- on the job experience
- learning from others
- formal training and education.
You're expected to foster an environment that encourages employees to take an interest in and engage with professional development. This can be achieved through:
- demonstrating inclusive and inspirational leadership
- interest and support of people’s career objectives
- effective use of the Performance Planning Development & Review (PPDR) process
- tapping into our range of professional development programs.
Professional development
The Division of HR supports professional development in a number of ways, including through the University Strategy. Some of the options are listed below:
- The Organisational Culture and Capability team offer a comprehensive leadership development program along with access to a range of professional development programs and resources for staff at all levels.
- The Charles Sturt Capability Framework and Charles Sturt Values in Action toolkit can help you as a manager to identify areas for development.
- Our Change Management team have been established to facilitate building capability and successfully managing change.
- Other areas within the University also offer specialised training in areas of Finance, IT systems and applications and Learning and Teaching. Contact the relevant Divisions for more information on the training they offer.
Of course, as a manager you should be interested in continuing your own learning and development.
More about professional development
Secondments are a great opportunity for staff development and benefit the University by providing more informed and experienced staff members.
Allowances and acting appointments
Higher duties and acting appointments allow staff to further develop their skills and knowledge and support succession planning.
Acting appointments
Acting appointments involve a staff member moving into another position for a short time.
You can appoint an employee to an acting role by completing the:
- Academic institutional leadership position form for Associate Heads of School, Associate Deans, Sub-Deans and Course Directors
- Professional/general form
- Senior/executive form
Higher duties allowances
Higher duties allowances enable managers to allocate additional duties at a higher level while the professional/general staff member remains in their current position.
It is not appropriate to pay an HDA pending an application for reclassification as the application may not be successful.
To request payment, complete the higher duties allowance request form.
Study support
You and your staff can tap into a range of study support opportunities including study leave and financial support for academic, professional/general and Indigenous staff members.
Staff can take advantage of studying Charles Sturt Courses with discounts for alumni and further discounts if the course is directly related to the staff member’s current role.