Working conditions

As a manager, you should understand the University's policies and your responsibilities regarding your team's working conditions. This includes flexible working hours, academic workload arrangements, managing leave and work health and safety. You can also find out about how to promote staff wellbeing in the workplace.

Flexible working arrangements

Providing flexible working arrangements while ensuring our organisation remains sustainable, is an important aspect of our commitment to being a good citizen in our regional communities. Managers and supervisors play a critical role in maintaining this balance and providing positive working conditions for our staff.

Flexible working hours

Unless they're required to work set hours, professional/general staff up to Level 8 have access to the Flexible Working Hours Scheme in support of work life balance. Managers are responsible for fairly and appropriately managing working hours of staff within the requirements of the Enterprise Agreement. Flexible working hours timesheets need to be completed and approved monthly. Working arrangements are negotiated between you and your staff member to determine a mutually beneficial arrangement. Some roles are exempt from the flexible working hours and there is a limit to the amount of flexi-time that staff can accrue.

Academic workload arrangements

Academic workload arrangements are outlined in the Enterprise Agreement and are aimed at assisting academics in achieving their career goals while meeting the strategic objectives of the University. Academic Workload Manager is the system that supports management of academic workloads. Read about minimum standards for academic work functions.

Family-friendly workplace

At Charles Sturt we recognise the importance of family. Providing a flexible, supportive and accessible work environment for staff with family or caring responsibilities is an important aspect of working life. Managers play a critical role in promoting a culture that is responsive to the interplay of work, family life and caring responsibilities. We have a suite of flexible workplace policies that support managers and staff in managing this balance.

Managing leave

We offer a wide range of leave entitlements which are outlined in the Enterprise Agreement and Leave Manual. They also need to effectively manage excessive leave and flexi-time in a way that mitigates risk to the University in outstanding leave liabilities and in consideration of equity, health and wellbeing of staff.

Managing excessive leave

You and your staff are required to take their allocated annual leave each year. Excessive leave impacts on work life balance and can affect the productivity and health of staff. It also impacts on the financial position of the University and can result in a significant liability. If accrued annual leave reaches 50 days, or long service leave reaches 130 days, you will receive notification from the Division of People and Culture and the staff member is required to take leave to reduce this balance within two months of notification. More information on leave requirements can be found in the Leave Manual.

Managing extended leave

We offer paid parental leave, long service leave and in special cases other forms of extended leave. Options for replacing a staff member on extended leave include short term contracts, secondments, higher duties allowance or casual appointments. Contact your HR Business Partner for more advice on your replacement options.

Budget centre reimbursement for extended leave

Budget centres may be eligible for reimbursement if staff take extended leave. This is an initiative of the University's Equal Employment Opportunity Program.

Where a staff member has taken extended leave, managers can claim reimbursement of salary expenses for a replacement staff member. This applies to:

  • long service leave
  • sick leave (in some cases)

Paid parental leave

This type of leave is centrally funded, so you don't need to apply for reimbursement.

Long service leave

To claim a reimbursement for long service leave, complete the reimbursement form and submit to the Finance Review Committee (FRC) within the required timeframe.

Sick leave

Claims for reimbursement for replacing a staff member on extended sick leave will be considered by the Finance Review Committee on a case by case basis.

More information

More information on claiming reimbursement can be found in the FRC Membership and Terms of Reference.

Safety and wellbeing

For information relating to health, safety and wellbeing visit our staff Safety, Security and Wellbeing website.