Returning to work

Charles Sturt can support your return to work after your parental leave ends.

Returning to your position

You have the right to return to your former position after parental leave, regardless of whether you took leave on a part-time or full-time basis. You forfeit this right if you fail to return when the leave period expires.

If you've been transferred temporarily to a different position because of pregnancy or while on part-time leave, you're entitled to return to your substantive position.

Reduced hours when returning to work

You can return to your former position at a reduced fraction up until your child’s second birthday, or two years from the date of adoption. After that, you can apply to move into part-time employment on a temporary or permanent basis.

Flexible work arrangements

Flexible work arrangements can help you balance work and family responsibilities.

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Support for breastfeeding

Charles Sturt provides support for breastfeeding mothers.

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Dependent care expenses while travelling

During work-related travel, you may claim up to forty dollars per day for childcare arrangements that are over and above your usual arrangements. This applies to both single day and overnight travel and isn't subject to accommodation and meal allowance limits. It doesn't cover situations where care is provided through normal domestic arrangements, such as by a partner or spouse who's a joint carer.

If you wish to claim, include on your Domestic travel booking form. We request receipts to support claims, but it isn't compulsory.

Taking leave for family responsibilities

You can take personal leave to care for your child when they are ill. If you don't have enough personal leave for extended periods, you can take leave without pay.

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More information

In the event of any discrepancy between this website and the Enterprise Agreement or Leave Manual, the terms of the Agreement or Leave Manual will prevail.