Scholarships specifically for First Nations students


32 Scholarships & Grants Found

This is an overview of Scholarships & Grants that are specifically for Indigenous students. You may be eligible for many more. Try the comprehensive Scholarships Search to find others you may be eligible for.

Name Description Amount Status
AGcessibility First Nations Scholarship 1st Year First Nations students studying Agriculture, Horticulture or Viticulture on or through the Wagga campus $15000 Applications closed
Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service Scholarship 1st Year students studying any undergraduate course in the areas of Dental, Health, Human Services, Medical Radiation Science, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Oral Health, Physiotherapy and Psychology on any campus $10000 Applications closed
Australian Library and Information Association Scholarship Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander students studying Bachelor of Information studies (with specialisations), Master of Information Studies (with specialisations) or Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) at Albury/Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campus. $5000 + 1 year membership Applications closed
Birrang Enterprise Development Company Ltd Aboriginal Scholarship 1st year students studying any undergraduate course on any campus who identify as Aboriginal and reside within the Birrang operational area $45000 Applications closed
Colgate Accommodation Scholarship 1st Year rural and remote students studying Bachelor of Dental Science on Orange campus $5000 Applications closed
Conference Scholarship - Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives National Conference This Scholarship will support two First Nations students enrolled in Nursing or Midwifery at Charles Sturt University to attend the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) National Conference from 29-31 October 2024 in Walyalup, Perth, WA. The scholarship covers travel, accommodation, meals and standard conference registration. Covers: travel, accommodation, meals and standard conference registration. Applications closed
Conference Scholarship – Indigenous Allied Health Australia National Conference This scholarship will support two First Nations students enrolled in an allied health degree to attend the Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) National Conference on the 9-11 December at the Adelaide Convention Centre. The scholarship covers travel, accommodation, meals and standard conference registration. Covers: travel, accommodation, meals and standard conference registration Applications closed
CSIRO Indigenous STEM Scholarship Undergraduate and postgraduate First Nations students studying in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) $50,000 MAX Applications closed
CSU Foundation Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Achievement Scholarship Any Year Indigenous students studying any undergraduate or postgraduate course on any campus $5000 Applications closed
Destination Australia Scholarship This scholarship from Destination Australia – an Australian Government initiative – is designed to encourage students to study in regional Australia. Studying in a regional area means you’ll become part of a strong community, enjoy a lower cost of living, and benefit from personalised support and hands-on learning. You’ll enjoy a vibrant lifestyle minus the hustle and bustle. $15000/year Applications closed
Dimeo - Craig Dukes First Nations Scholarship 1st Year First Nations students studying any course on any campus who have identified with the Charles Sturt Indigenous Centre $5,000 Applications closed
Dr Bal Krishan Scholarship Any Year Indigenous students studying any course on the Wagga Wagga campus. $2000 Applications closed
Dr Malcolm Walker Memorial Scholarship Any year students studying Criminal Justice, Law, Paramedicine, Psychology or Nursing on the Bathurst campus $3000 Applications closed
Essential Energy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Scholarship Any Year Indigenous applicants studying Accounting, Business Management, Communication, Engineering, Information Technology, Law, on any campus $40000 MAX Applications closed
First Nations Continuing Student Accommodation Scholarship The First Nations Continuing Student Accommodation Scholarship is to assist continuing students with accommodation costs. up to $6,000 Applications closed
First Nations Education Costs Scholarship The First Nations Education Costs Scholarship is to assist students with the cost of study (compulsory textbooks, study equipment and laptops). up to $8000 Applications closed
First Nations Student Emergency Equity Grant The Charles Sturt University First Nations Student Emergency Equity Grant is designed to offer financial aid to students encountering unforeseen and significant emergencies that could impede their academic progress. It's imperative to note that this grant is not meant to address increased living expenses alone. Eligible emergencies include sudden and unexpected events like medical crises or housing emergencies, which directly impact your ability to pursue your studies. Determined through the assessment process Applications open
First Nations Wagga Campus Commencing Student Accommodation and Relocation Scholarship First Nations Wagga Campus Commencing Student Accommodation and Relocation Scholarship is to assist commencing students on the Wagga Wagga campus with accommodation and relocation costs (removalist hire, bond payment, rent assistance). up to $8,000 Applications closed
Intensive School Equity Grant Provides financial assistance to students attending a compulsory intensive school. Successful applicants will receive $80/day attending compulsory intensive school. Grants are not intended to provide an alternative to other forms of income and recipients are not to rely on payment occurring prior to attending intensive school. $80 per day of Intensive School Applications open
Moya Crowe Memorial Scholarship Any Year Indigenous students, or students with commitment to Indigenous outcomes studying any undergraduate degree on any campus $7,500 Applications closed
National Tertiary Education Union Charles Sturt University Branch First Nations Education Scholarship 1st Year studying Bachelor of Education (Primary) / Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary) / Bachelor of Education (K-12) $5,000 Applications closed
Sage Publications Internship Scholarship SAGE Publications would like to support a First Nations Bachelor of Master of Information Studies student for a value of up to $5,000 to cover travel, accommodation and work placement requirements for INF222 or INF572. $5,000 Applications open
Thomas A. Scahill Scholarship Any year studying any undergraduate degree. Applicant to be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent $5000 Applications closed
Three Rivers Department of Rural Health Honours Scholarship Provides financial support to assist with the tuition costs of University education Course payments covered Applications closed
Valerie Cox Memorial Scholarship - Commencing Commencing student studying a Faculty of Science and Health course at the Wagga Wagga campus. Applicants to be from the Riverina Region. $20000 MAX Applications closed
Valerie Cox Memorial Scholarship - Continuing 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year students studying any undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Science and Health at the Wagga campus $5000 Applications closed
Vivability Limited Empowered Futures Scholarship Any Year student studying any undergraduate course online or on-campus who have an ongoing/permanent disability, including but not limited to physical, neurological, hearing or visual impairment. $8,000 Applications closed
Wagga Wagga LALC and Aboriginal Community Scholarship Any Year undergraduate Indigenous students residing in the Wagga Wagga Local Aboriginal Land Council area studying at the Wagga campus $3000 Applications closed
Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Disability Scholarship Continuing undergraduate students with a physical disability demonstrated through formal diagnosis and ideally receiving Disability Support Benefit who are studying any course on any campus $10000 Applications closed
Western NSW Primary Health Network Scholarship 1st Year Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students studying Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health), Diploma of Health Science (Mental Health) through the Wagga campus $8000 Applications open
Yindyamarra Scholarship Indigenous students in their final or penultimate year studying Bachelor of Nursing or any course in Education or Allied Health $3000 Applications closed
Yirigaa Cyber and Software Pathway Scholarship First year or Continuing students of First Nation background only studying online and enrolled in the following Micro-credentials: ITC271 Network Forensics ITC272 Cyber Incident Response ITC273 Secure Software Development Lifecycle ITC274 Development, Security and Operations $6,000 Applications closed