Scholarships international students can apply for


98 Scholarships & Grants Found

This is a listing of ALL Scholarships & Grants that International Students can apply for. Try the comprehensive Scholarships Search for more personalised results.

Name Description Amount Status
2025 Launch Scholarship The scholarship provides a 15% fee discount for new commencing international students for the duration of their course. See full eligibility details below. 15% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
International Student Merit Scholarship This scholarship recognises and rewards excellence for eligible students applying to study at Charles Sturt University. The award provides a 25% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the course. 25% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
Australian Government Scholarships for International Students The Australian government offers various scholarships for international students to study at Australian universities Varies Applications open
International Joint Cooperation Program Scholarship This scholarship recognises and rewards fidelity of our Joint Cooperation Program students applying for further study at Charles Sturt University. The award provides a 25% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the program. 25% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
2025 Launch Merit Scholarship This scholarship recognises and rewards excellence for eligible students applying to study at Charles Sturt University. The award provides a 30% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the course. 30% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
Campus International Accommodation Grant The Campus International Accommodation Grant aims to assist full-time International students residing on one of Charles Sturt University's regional campuses, by partially subsidising their on-campus accommodation fees. Studying in a regional area means you’ll become part of a strong community, enjoy a lower cost of living, and benefit from personalised support and hands-on learning. $3,120.00 (paid to students university account) Applications closed
International student support scholarship The scholarship provides a 10% fee discount for new commencing international students for the duration of their course. See full eligibility details below. 10% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
Destination Australia Scholarship This scholarship from Destination Australia – an Australian Government initiative – is designed to encourage students to study in regional Australia. Studying in a regional area means you’ll become part of a strong community, enjoy a lower cost of living, and benefit from personalised support and hands-on learning. You’ll enjoy a vibrant lifestyle minus the hustle and bustle. $15000/year Applications closed
International student support scholarship 2022 Applications are now closed - The scholarship provides a 20% fee discount for new international students for the duration of your course. See full eligibility details below. 20% fee discount for duration of course Applications closed
International student support scholarship 2023 The scholarship provides a 20% fee discount for new commencing international students for the duration of their course. See full eligibility details below. 20% fee discount for duration of course Applications closed
St Martins College Academic Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Wagga campus who will be residing at St Martins College $4000 Applications closed
A&K Gestier Veterinary Scholarship 4th / 5th / 6th Year students studying Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Bachelor of Veterinary Science on the Wagga campus $3000 Applications closed
Rowe Scientific Chemistry Scholarship 1st Year students studying Bachelor of Science (Major in Analytical Chemistry) at the Albury/Wodonga, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga campus. $5,000 Applications closed
Meller Hume Research Scholarship Honours year student studying Bachelor of Agricultural Science on the Wagga Wagga campus $7000 Applications closed
The Domino's Pizza Business & Leadership scholarship Commencing students, studying a Bachelor of Business course based out of the Wagga Wagga campus, on-campus or mixed mode. $3,000 Applications closed
Casella Family Brands Health Scholarship 1st Year students studying in the area of Health Science, Medical Radiation Science, Nursing on the Wagga campus $10000 Applications closed
White Family Scholarship 3rd Year studying either Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary) or Bachelor of Education (K-12) $3000 Applications closed
Rennylea - The Future in Livestock Scholarship 3rd / 4th / Honours Year students studying Animal Science, Agricultural Business Management, Veterinary on the Wagga campus $7,000 Applications closed
Ann Gwynn-Jones Memorial Scholarship 1st Year students at Bathurst campus with an a genuine love of acting and a passion to pursue a career in theatre, with proven talent in performing modern as well as traditional dramatic roles. $1500 Applications closed
Peter Andren Memorial Scholarship 2nd /3rd /4th year students studying Bachelor of Communication or Sports Media on the Bathurst campus $5,000 MAX Applications closed
Dare to Know Paramedic Research Scholarship Students studying a Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic) or a Bachelor of Paramedicine at the Bathurst or Port Macquarie campus. Paid in the form of academic mentoring Applications closed
Lila Kirilik Human Services/Social Work Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th Year students studying Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Human Services (with specialisations) through the Wagga Campus $2,000 Applications closed
Shaun Gorham Rugby Union Scholarship Any Year online students studying any undergrad course from the Albury/Wodonga campus or online. Must be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to rugby union and willing to play with the Steamers Albury-Wodonga Rugby Club in 2025. $3000 Applications open
Staffgive Geoff Honey Memorial Scholarship 1st Year students studying any course on the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campus. $5000 Applications closed
Staffgive Scholarship Any Year students studying any course at the Albury/Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campus. $5000 Applications closed
Resident Leadership Accommodation Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year and Postgraduate students studying any course full time on any campus living in Charles Sturt's on campus accommodation 37 Week - $7,500 / 52 Week - $10,500 Applications closed
Dawn Rigby Memorial Scholarship Third Year - Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood or Primary) -Non-traditional students are encouraged to apply for this scholarship, i.e. a TAFE qualification from a remote area or beginning a new career later in life. $3000 Applications closed
Chris and Gina Grubb Ornithology Scholarship 1st Year students studying Graduate Certificate in Ornithology on any campus $5000 Applications closed
Margaret Illukol Trust Health Scholarship Any year full-time undergraduate, postgraduate or honours student, studying a health related course in the Faculty of Science and Health. $15,000 MAX Applications closed
Albury/Wodonga SRC Student Support Scholarship Any Year student studying any undergraduate or postgraduate course on the Albury/Wodonga campus who can demonstrate their community involvement. $1,000 Applications closed
Lionel Allen Memorial Scholarship Any Year undergraduate student studying select Bachelor of Education curses on or through the Bathurst campus $3,000 Applications closed
Olding Business Scholarship Final or Honours Year students studying any course in the area of Business on the Wagga campus $6,000 Applications closed
CSU Foundation Refugee Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students with refugee status studying at the Albury/Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campus. $20000 MAX Applications closed
VetPrac Workshops Scholarship Third/Fourth Year - Studying within Animal Science (including animal nutrition) / Agriculture Business $5000 Applications closed
St Martin's Heads of College Scholarship Continuing, Honours and Postgraduate students studying any course on the Wagga Campus who have lived at least 1 year at St Martins College $4000 Applications closed
International High Academic Achievers Scholarship 2020 This scholarship recognises and rewards excellence to eligible students with a 25% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the program. This scholarship is currently unavailable for the Bachelor of Dental Science and Bachelor of Veterinary Science. See Eligibility. 25% of tuition fees every session. Applications closed
Regional Accommodation Bursary for International Students The Regional Accommodation Bursary for International Students is designed to support international students to move to regional Australia. The bursaries for a value of AUD $1,000 each are offered on a first come, first served basis. The bursaries will only be made available to students who accept and reserve accommodation prior to 14th February 2025 for Session 1 2025, or 6th June 2025 for Session 2 2025, and will be applied directly to their accommodation account after census date. See Eligibility. $1000 Applications open
Bowcher Family Scholarship Any Year students studying any undergraduate course on the Wagga Campus who reside at St Martin's College (either new or returning student) $4,000 Applications closed
CSU Foundation Persistence Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year & Postgraduate students studying any course on any campus who have demonstrated persistence in the face of adversity $5000 Applications closed
Charles Sturt Foundation Paramedics Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Paramedicine on Bathurst or Port Macquarie campuses $3000 Applications closed
AlburyCity Council Community Leadership Scholarship 1st year students, 2nd year students, 3rd year students, completing a Graduate Certificate of Applied Business online. $5,000.00 Applications closed
Pay it Forward Dentistry Scholarship The Pay it Forward Scholarship is an initiative run by current industry practitioners to see a healthy future for the Dentistry profession. They understand the challenges and expense of study and would like to support students who are struggling financially. $10,000 Applications closed
Charles Sturt Accounting Alumni Academic Prize Any year undergraduate students studying Bachelor of Accounting $1000 Applications closed
Charles and Judith Boag Refugee Support Scholarship Any Year undergraduate refugee student currently enrolled at CSU studying any course on campus or online Up to $47,000 Applications closed
Hastings Co-op Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Port Macquarie campus $1500 Applications closed
Charles Sturt Campus Services Financial Assistance Scholarships Any Year students studying any undergraduate degree and living on campus at Albury, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campuses $5000 Applications closed
Wamanar Teacher's Aide Scholarship 2nd year students studying Bachelor of Educational Studies - Teachers Aide Pathway on any campus online or on campus $2500 Applications closed
Dr Oliver & Mrs Heather Fiala AM Scholarship Any Year students studying select Bachelor of Education courses at the Bathurst Campus $3000 Applications closed
St Martins College Accommodation Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying Veterinary Science, Nursing and Medical Radiation Science full time on the Wagga campus. Applicants must take up residence at St Martins College $4000 Applications closed
Dr John Reid Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Business (with specialisations), Bachelor of Business Studies on the Bathurst campus $3000 Applications closed
Dawn Rigby Memorial Scholarship Any Year students studying select Bachelor of Education courses. $3500 Applications closed
Tasdemir Family Scholarship Any Year students studying any undergraduate course on Port Macquarie campus $5,000 Applications closed
Westfund Healthy Futures Scholarship Any Year Bachelor of Dental Science or Doctor of Medicine students studying on any campus $10,000 Applications closed
Professor Jeannie Herbert AM Memorial First Nations Education Scholarship First Nations students studying in 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, Bachelor of Education K-12 $6,000 Applications closed
The Alf Armstrong Memorial Scholarship Any year accounting students, studying online/on-campus/mixed, from the Albury-Wodonga campus, who are experiencing financial hardship. $2,500 Applications closed
Laurel Trinidad Accommodation Scholarship (St Martin's) Continuing students (2nd year onwards) studying any undergraduate course on the Wagga campus who reside or will be residing at St Martin's College $4,000 Applications closed
Boston Private Wealth Scholarship 2nd / 3rd year students studying any undergraduate course through the School of Business on any campus $3300 Applications closed
Gita Belin Fortitude Foundation Paramedicine 2nd Year Full-time second year, online/on-campus/mixed mode students, studying a Bachelor of Paramedicine course based out of the Bathurst or Port Macquarie campuses $10,000 Applications pending
CSU Foundation Assistance Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course listed on the CSU Foundation Assistance Scholarship webpage on any campus $5000 Applications closed
CAL Scholarship 4th year students studying select Bachelor of Education courses on any campus. $3500 Applications closed
Gita Belin Fortitude Foundation Rural Doctors Scholarship Commencing students, studying a Doctor of Medicine course based out of the Orange campus, on-campus or mixed mode. $25,000 Applications closed
Vice-Chancellor Travel Grants (Short term) Students studying undergraduate or postgraduate coursework, receiving academic recognition through the Charles Sturt Global program $400 Applications open
Vice-Chancellor International Excellence Scholarship Open to international commencing 2025 students, this scholarship is for outstanding students who demonstrate Charles Sturt values and community contributions. It is valued at 50% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the course. This scholarship is currently unavailable for the Bachelor of Dental Science and Bachelor of Veterinary Science. See Eligibility. 50% tuition fee reduction Applications open
Wagga Wagga Staff Social Club Scholarship Any year undergraduate or postgraduate students studying any course full time on the Wagga campus $5000 Applications closed
CSU Foundation International Student Scholarship Any Year undergraduate and postgraduate international fee paying students studying any course on Albury, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campuses. $5000 Applications closed
St Martins College Helen and James Faulks Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course full time on the Wagga campus. Applicants must take up residence at St Martins College $4000 Applications closed
Staffgive Work Placement Prize 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year students undertaking a compulsory course based work placement in the year of award $2000 Applications closed
Port Macquarie SRC Student Support Scholarship Any full-time 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student enrolled in a course run from the Port Macquarie campus, demonstrating financial need. $1,000 Applications closed
Essential Energy Female Engineering Scholarship Any Year Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Technology (Civil/ Master of Engineering (Civil) $30,000 MAX Applications closed
Affinity Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship Any year - Bachelor of Nursing Graduate Diploma of Midwifery $5,000 Applications closed
Staffgive Research Scholarship Postgraduate students undertaking a research based degree in any area on any campus $5000 Applications closed
Katie Burns Alumni Assistance Scholarship Any Year undergraduate or postgraduate student studying any course in the School of Accounting and Finance $5000 Applications closed
Vice-Chancellor Travel Grants (Exchange) Students studying undergraduate or postgraduate coursework, taking part in the Student Exchange Program and receiving credit of at least 24 points for participation in the exchange program $1450 Applications open
Port Macquarie SRC Achievement Scholarship Any full-time 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year undergraduate student enrolled in a course run from the Port Macquarie campus, demonstrating leadership and commitment in the Port Macquarie Campus community. $1,000 Applications closed
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing full time on any campus $3500 Applications closed
Port Macquarie SRC Leadership Scholarship Any full-time 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year undergraduate student enrolled in a course run from the Port Macquarie campus, in a leadership or executive position of a Port Macquarie Student Club. $1,000 Applications closed
FC Pye Rural Australia Foundation 1st Year students studying Agriculture on the Wagga campus $2000 Applications closed
Murray High School Scholarship 1st Year students studying any undergraduate course on any campus who have recently graduated or about to graduate from Murray High School $5000 Applications closed
Blair Milan Memorial Scholarship Students studying any course on any campus with a demonstrated love of creating content and passion to pursue a career in chosen field $10,000 Applications closed
Vietnamese students merit scholarship 2020 This scholarship recognises and rewards excellence to eligible students from Vietnam applying to study at a Charles Sturt University, campus. The award provides a 25% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the program. Currently unavailable for the Bachelor of Dental Science and Bachelor of Veterinary Science. See eligibility 25% of tuition fees every session. Applications closed
Tim Durick Memorial Scholarship Continuing students on the Bathurst campus studying any course who can demonstrate a genuine love of acting and a passion for circus, theatre and other performance $2200 Applications closed
CSU Rugby Alumni Scholarship Any Year students studying any course on the Bathurst campus. Must be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to rugby union and show leadership skills. $3000 Applications closed
SRC Wagga Student Support Scholarship Wagga Wagga SRC wishes to provide financial support to students who demonstrate leadership capabilities and a desire to give back to community. The scholarship is designed to endorse success with the studies of students and help students reach their goals and potentials. $2000 Applications closed
Laurel-Trinidad Research Grant Students studying Bachelor of Science (Honours) on the Wagga campus $5000 Applications closed
White Family Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th year students studying select Bachelor of Education courses on Bathurst Campus $4000 Applications closed
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health Distance Education Any Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing online through the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga campus $3500 Applications closed
Professor John Carroll Memorial Scholarship 2nd year students studying Theatre Media or Performing Arts on the Bathurst campus. $2,000 Applications closed
Dr Doug Stace Scholarship 1st Year students studying full time on Bathurst campus $5000 Applications closed
Dr Judith van der Wal Award 3rd Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing. Scholarship to assist students with costs associated with work placement $1000 Applications closed
Charles Sturt University Foundation Community Health Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatric Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental, Health & Medical Sciences, Medical Radiation and Psychology $3000 Applications closed
Staffgive Work Placement Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year and Honours students undertaking a compulsory course based work placement in the year of award $5000 Applications closed
Barry Bennett Memorial Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Albury Wodonga campus. $2,500 Applications closed
Mitchell Emeritus Club Any Year students studying any undergraduate course on the Bathurst campus $3000 Applications closed
Aurecon Communication Scholarship To support a student studying a Bachelor of Communications (with Specialisations). The Scholarship funds will be paid directly off tuition fees. $7,000 paid directly off tuition Applications closed
CSU Refugee and Asylum Seeker Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course full time on campus or online who hold appropriate refugee visas 100% Tuition Fees Applications closed
Len Madigan Memorial Scholarship 2nd year students studying any course on Bathurst campus (preference given to Bachelor of Paramedicine $3,000 Applications closed
Bathurst (Mitchell) Student Representative Committee Scholarship Any year student studying any undergraduate course on the Bathurst campus $3000 Applications closed
VP Bragg Bequest Trust Fund Scholarship Commencing students on either the Albury/Wodonga, Wagga Wagga campus studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management or Agricultural Science. $3000 Applications closed