Open Scholarships


20 Scholarships & Grants Found

This is a listing of ALL current open Scholarships & Grants. Try the comprehensive Scholarships Search for more personalised results.

Name Description Amount Status
2025 Launch Merit Scholarship This scholarship recognises and rewards excellence for eligible students applying to study at Charles Sturt University. The award provides a 30% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the course. 30% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
2025 Launch Scholarship The scholarship provides a 15% fee discount for new commencing international students for the duration of their course. See full eligibility details below. 15% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
Australian Government Scholarships for International Students The Australian government offers various scholarships for international students to study at Australian universities Varies Applications open
Clinical Excellence Queensland Midwifery Scholarship The Clinical Excellence Queensland Midwifery Scholarship is designed to support rural students in pursuing a career in midwifery. These scholarships provide assistance with tuition and attendance at placements and intensive schools. Queensland Health aims to support their midwives in regional Queensland, enabling them to work in diverse environments, make significant differences in small communities, and experience personal and professional growth. This scholarship helps midwives connect, learn, and create life-defining experiences that will shape them as health professionals and individuals. $7,608.00 Applications open
Equity and Inclusion Grant The university understands that studying with a disability or health condition can bring additional challenges. To support students facing these difficulties, the university has created the Equity and Inclusion Grant. This grant is intended for students with financial need who have a disability or health condition, offering financial assistance to help them in their academic journey. Determined through the assessment process Applications open
First Nations Student Emergency Equity Grant The Charles Sturt University First Nations Student Emergency Equity Grant is designed to offer financial aid to students encountering unforeseen and significant emergencies that could impede their academic progress. It's imperative to note that this grant is not meant to address increased living expenses alone. Eligible emergencies include sudden and unexpected events like medical crises or housing emergencies, which directly impact your ability to pursue your studies. Determined through the assessment process Applications open
Intensive School Equity Grant Provides financial assistance to students attending a compulsory intensive school. Successful applicants will receive $80/day attending compulsory intensive school. Grants are not intended to provide an alternative to other forms of income and recipients are not to rely on payment occurring prior to attending intensive school. $80 per day of Intensive School Applications open
International Joint Cooperation Program Scholarship This scholarship recognises and rewards fidelity of our Joint Cooperation Program students applying for further study at Charles Sturt University. The award provides a 25% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the program. 25% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
International Student Merit Scholarship This scholarship recognises and rewards excellence for eligible students applying to study at Charles Sturt University. The award provides a 25% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the course. 25% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
International student support scholarship The scholarship provides a 10% fee discount for new commencing international students for the duration of their course. See full eligibility details below. 10% fee discount for duration of course Applications open
Professional Placement Equity Grant Provides financial assistance for Workplace Learning (professional placement). The grant is valued depending on the length of compulsory placement (see guidelines). Grants are not intended to provide an alternative to other forms of income and recipients are not to rely on payment occurring prior to attending their placement. $80 per day of placement to a maximum of $2,400 per academic year. Applications open
Regional Accommodation Bursary for International Students The Regional Accommodation Bursary for International Students is designed to support international students to move to regional Australia. The bursaries for a value of AUD $1,000 each are offered on a first come, first served basis. The bursaries will only be made available to students who accept and reserve accommodation prior to 14th February 2025 for Session 1 2025, or 6th June 2025 for Session 2 2025, and will be applied directly to their accommodation account after census date. See Eligibility. $1000 Applications open
Sage Publications Internship Scholarship SAGE Publications would like to support a First Nations Bachelor of Master of Information Studies student for a value of up to $5,000 to cover travel, accommodation and work placement requirements for INF222 or INF572. $5,000 Applications open
Shaun Gorham Rugby Union Scholarship Any Year online students studying any undergrad course from the Albury/Wodonga campus or online. Must be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to rugby union and willing to play with the Steamers Albury-Wodonga Rugby Club in 2025. $3000 Applications open
Student Emergency Equity Grant The Charles Sturt University Student Emergency Equity Grant is designed to offer financial aid to students encountering unforeseen and significant emergencies that could impede their academic progress. It's imperative to note that this grant is not meant to address increased living expenses alone. Eligible emergencies include sudden and unexpected events like medical crises or housing emergencies, which directly impact your ability to pursue your studies. Determined through the assessment process Applications open
The James McInerney Memorial Scholarship 1st year studying Bachelor of Agricultural Science or Bachelor of Agribusiness full time on the Wagga campus $80,000 MAX Applications open
Vice-Chancellor International Excellence Scholarship Open to international commencing 2025 students, this scholarship is for outstanding students who demonstrate Charles Sturt values and community contributions. It is valued at 50% tuition fee reduction throughout the entire duration of the course. This scholarship is currently unavailable for the Bachelor of Dental Science and Bachelor of Veterinary Science. See Eligibility. 50% tuition fee reduction Applications open
Vice-Chancellor Travel Grants (Exchange) Students studying undergraduate or postgraduate coursework, taking part in the Student Exchange Program and receiving credit of at least 24 points for participation in the exchange program $1450 Applications open
Vice-Chancellor Travel Grants (Short term) Students studying undergraduate or postgraduate coursework, receiving academic recognition through the Charles Sturt Global program $400 Applications open
Western NSW Primary Health Network Scholarship 1st Year Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students studying Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health), Diploma of Health Science (Mental Health) through the Wagga campus $8000 Applications open