Scholarships for people from rural or remote locations


70 Scholarships & Grants Found

This is an overview of Scholarships & Grants that are specifically for students from Rural & Remote areas. You may be eligible for many more. Try the comprehensive Scholarships Search to find others you may be eligible for.

Name Description Amount Status
A&K Gestier Veterinary Scholarship 4th / 5th / 6th Year students studying Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Bachelor of Veterinary Science on the Wagga campus $3000 Applications closed
AlburyCity Scholarship 1st Year students studying any course within the disciplines of Education / Business / Computing / Environmental Sciences on the Albury campus $2500 Applications closed
Allied Health Commencing Student Scholarship for the Lachlan, Parkes and Forbes LGAs (Three Rivers) Provides financial support to assist with the general costs of University education $20,000 Applications closed
Barry Bennett Memorial Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Albury Wodonga campus. $2,500 Applications closed
Bathurst Regional Council Scholarship 1st year students studying any undergraduate course on the Bathurst campus. Applicants to be a long term resident or have attended school in the Bathurst Local Government Area. $5000 Applications closed
Bowcher Family Scholarship Any Year students studying any undergraduate course on the Wagga Campus who reside at St Martin's College (either new or returning student) $4,000 Applications closed
Bush Children's Education Foundation (BCEF) Scholarship 1st Year students studying any course within Animal Science, Education, Agricultural Science, Dental, Nursing, Engineering, Medical Radiation Science, Veterinary on any campus $10000 Applications closed
Carole and Stan Droder Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year students studying full time any undergraduate course on any campus. Scholarship is intended for students who will be residing on campus in the years of awarding $20000 MAX Applications closed
Carrathool Shire Council Scholarship Any Year students studying any undergraduate course on any campus. Applicants must be a long term resident and have completed most of their schooling in the Carrathool LGA $3000 Applications closed
Colgate Accommodation Scholarship 1st Year rural and remote students studying Bachelor of Dental Science on Orange campus $5000 Applications closed
Daphne Saxby Taylor Memorial Scholarship Any Year female students aged 30+ living in specified local government areas as listed in the eligibility criteria studying on any campus $3000 Applications closed
Destination Australia Scholarship This scholarship from Destination Australia – an Australian Government initiative – is designed to encourage students to study in regional Australia. Studying in a regional area means you’ll become part of a strong community, enjoy a lower cost of living, and benefit from personalised support and hands-on learning. You’ll enjoy a vibrant lifestyle minus the hustle and bustle. $15000/year Applications closed
Dr Judith van der Wal Award 3rd Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing. Scholarship to assist students with costs associated with work placement $1000 Applications closed
Dr Julia Howitt Legacy Scholarship 1st Year students studying any course within the Faculty of Science on any campus from a regional area $3000 Applications closed
Dubbo Regional Council Scholarship 1st Year students studying any course on any Charles Sturt campus. Applicants must be a long term resident or have attended school in the Dubbo Local Government Area. $3000 Applications closed
EMMA Accolade Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing on the Bathurst campus who have completed the majority of their high school in the Central West of NSW $1500 Applications closed
First Nations Continuing Student Accommodation Scholarship The First Nations Continuing Student Accommodation Scholarship is to assist continuing students with accommodation costs. up to $6,000 Applications closed
First Nations Education Costs Scholarship The First Nations Education Costs Scholarship is to assist students with the cost of study (compulsory textbooks, study equipment and laptops). up to $8000 Applications closed
First Nations Wagga Campus Commencing Student Accommodation and Relocation Scholarship First Nations Wagga Campus Commencing Student Accommodation and Relocation Scholarship is to assist commencing students on the Wagga Wagga campus with accommodation and relocation costs (removalist hire, bond payment, rent assistance). up to $8,000 Applications closed
Gordon Bullock Memorial Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Communication (with specialisations) or Bachelor of Communication (News and Media) who are long term residents of the Bathurst LGA $3000 Applications closed
HV McKay II Memorial Scholarship 2nd year students, 3rd year students, Honours students studying Bachelor of Agricultural Science or Agricultural Business Management on the Wagga campus $6000 Applications closed
Jacob Berry Memorial Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Paramedicine on the Port Macquarie campus $2500 Applications closed
Jess McLennan Memorial Prize Any Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing on the Albury campus $1200 Applications closed
Katie Burns Alumni Assistance Scholarship Any Year undergraduate or postgraduate student studying any course in the School of Accounting and Finance $5000 Applications closed
Kempsey Shire Council Scholarship Kempsey Shire Council sees education as a key process in the development and growth of its residents, particularly youth. In order to aid this development, and support students in their university studies and career goals, Kempsey Shire Council offers this scholarship to students who reside within the Local Government Area. $5,000 Applications closed
Lachlan, Parkes and Forbes LGA Allied Health Commencing Student Scholarship (Three Rivers) Provides financial support to assist with the general costs of University education $5.000 Applications closed
Lachlan, Parkes and Forbes LGA Allied Health Continuing Student Scholarship (Three Rivers) Provides financial support to assist with the general costs of University education $2,500 Applications closed
Legacy of Bob and Pam Knight from Noorat Scholarship Any Year students studying Bachelor of Veterinary Biology, Veterinary Science at the Wagga Wagga campus. $5000 Applications closed
Les Symonds Memorial Scholarship 1st Year students studying Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Bachelor of Veterinary Science or Bachelor of Animal Science from the Liverpool Plains LGA local government area. $25,000 MAX Applications closed
Lions Club of Albury Inc. Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Albury Campus who have completed the majority of their high schooling the the Albury LGA $2500 Applications closed
Lions Club of Port Macquarie Tacking Point Scholarship Any Year undergraduate student studying full time any course on the Port Macquarie campus who completed the majority of their high schooling in the Port Macquarie LGA $2000 Applications closed
Margaret Illukol Trust Health Scholarship Any year full-time undergraduate, postgraduate or honours student, studying a health related course in the Faculty of Science and Health. $15,000 MAX Applications closed
Murrumbidgee Council Scholarship Any Year students (preference given to first) studying any on campus course on any campus. Applicants to be a long term resident or have attended school in the Murrumbidgee LGA $4000 Applications closed
Percy Allan Foundation Accommodation Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students under 25 years old studying Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Business Management, Veterinary Biology or Veterinary Science full time on Wagga campus $18,000 max Applications closed
Professor Jeannie Herbert AM Memorial First Nations Education Scholarship First Nations students studying in 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, Bachelor of Education K-12 $6,000 Applications closed
Reformer New Start Scholarship Charles Sturt Alumnus, Louie, has first-hand, experienced redemption through higher education. He has a deep understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced by individuals transitioning from incarceration to reintegration. Louie has established the scholarship to pay the support he has experienced forward. His intent is to help individuals who can see a way forward but may not feel like anyone believes in them. $5,000 Applications closed
Riverina Group Country Women’s Association of NSW Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Wagga Wagga campus. Applicant must have resided in the Riverina CWA Group area for 5 years $3000 Applications closed
Riverina Water Scholarship 1st Year students studying Bachelor of Information Technology (with specialisation), Bachelor of Technology (Civil)/Master of Engineering (Civil), Bachelor of Environmental Science & Management $6,000 Applications closed
Ron Wild, Rotary Club of Tallangatta Scholarship Any Year students studying any course on any campus who are a resident of Tallangatta district, Mitta or Kiewa Valley $2000 Applications closed
Rotary Club of Albury Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying Applied Science or Environmental Science on the Albury campus $3,000 Applications closed
Rotary Club of Hall Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students from rural families studying full time on any campus $20000 MAX Applications closed
Rotary Club of Oberon Prize Any Year undergraduate students studying any course on any campus who are long term residents of the Oberon Council area $1,800 Applications closed
Rotary Club of Port Macquarie Sunrise Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th year students studying any full-time undergraduate course through the Port Macquarie campus $3,000 Applications closed
Rotary Club of Wollundry Scholarship, Wagga Wagga 2nd / 3rd / 4th 5th Year undergraduate on-campus students studying any science related undergraduate degree and are from the Wagga LGA $15,000 Applications closed
Rotary Club of Yenda, Dick and Lavelle Wallace Memorial Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students studying in either Agriculture, Environmental, Health Care, Nursing, Paramedicine or Veterinary courses on the Wagga campus $4,000 Applications closed
Rowe Scientific Chemistry Scholarship 1st Year students studying Bachelor of Science (Major in Analytical Chemistry) at the Albury/Wodonga, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga campus. $5,000 Applications closed
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health Distance Education Any Year students studying Bachelor of Nursing online through the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga campus $3500 Applications closed
St Martins College Richard Johnson 1st Year Scholarship 1st Year students, from a rural/regional area studying full time on Wagga campus. Applicants must take up residence at St Martins College $4000 Applications closed
Staffgive Geoff Honey Memorial Scholarship 1st Year students studying any course on the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie or Wagga Wagga campus. $5000 Applications closed
Tarcutta and Wantabadgery Merino Breeders Association Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th year students studying any undergraduate degree full time in the areas of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Science at the Wagga campus $1000 Applications closed
Temora Shire Council Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students from the Temora LGA studying any undergraduate degree full time on the Wagga campus $2000 Applications closed
The AK & IA Sutherland Scholarship Final year full time internal students studying Bachelor of Veterinary Science or Veterinary Science (Honours) at the Wagga Wagga campus. $3000 Applications closed
The Hayes Scholarship Any Year undergraduate students from the Snowy Valley LGA studying Agriculture, Education or Veterinary Science on any campus $5,000 Applications closed
The Roberton Scholarship 1st Year students studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Science or Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management on the Wagga campus $40000 MAX Applications closed
The Toni Downes New Horizons Travel Prize Any Year undergraduate students studying at the Dubbo campus and residing in the Dubbo LGA $1000 Applications closed
Three Rivers Department of Rural Health Honours Scholarship Provides financial support to assist with the tuition costs of University education Course payments covered Applications closed
Three Rivers DRH Aged Care Continuing Student Scholarship Provides financial support to assist with the general costs of University education $2,500 Applications closed
Three Rivers DRH Aged Care Commencing Student Scholarship Provides financial support to assist with the general costs of University education $20,000 Applications closed
Three Rivers DRH Commencing Student Scholarship Provides financial support to assist with the general costs of University education $5,000 Applications closed
Tony McGrane Memorial Scholarship Any Year students from eligible local government areas studying any undergraduate degree at the Dubbo campus $4500 Applications closed
Valerie Cox Memorial Scholarship - Commencing Commencing student studying a Faculty of Science and Health course at the Wagga Wagga campus. Applicants to be from the Riverina Region. $20000 MAX Applications closed
Valerie Cox Memorial Scholarship - Continuing 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year students studying any undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Science and Health at the Wagga campus $5000 Applications closed
Veolia Mulwaree Trust Scholarship Any Year undergraduate studying at any campus that are from one of the local government areas listed in the eligibility criteria. $3000 Applications closed
Wagga Wagga City Council Scholarship 1st Year undergraduate students studying any course on the Wagga campus who are long term residents of the Wagga LGA $4000 Applications closed
Wagga Wagga LALC and Aboriginal Community Scholarship Any Year undergraduate Indigenous students residing in the Wagga Wagga Local Aboriginal Land Council area studying at the Wagga campus $3000 Applications closed
Wamanar Teacher's Aide Scholarship 2nd year students studying Bachelor of Educational Studies - Teachers Aide Pathway on any campus online or on campus $2500 Applications closed
Western NSW Primary Health Network Scholarship 1st Year Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students studying Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health), Diploma of Health Science (Mental Health) through the Wagga campus $8000 Applications open
Widgiewa School Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th Year undergraduate students studying any course within the faculty of Science and Health at any campus $5000 Applications closed
Yindyamarra Scholarship Indigenous students in their final or penultimate year studying Bachelor of Nursing or any course in Education or Allied Health $3000 Applications closed
ZONTA - Jill Salter Memorial - Women in Rural Health Scholarship 2nd / 3rd / 4th Year students studying any health related undergraduate degree at Orange campus $3000 Applications closed