Complaints, Adverse Incidents and Breaches

Good research is transparent and robust, and should stand up to scrutiny.  Individuals with concerns or complaints regarding research projects or practices are encouraged to raise these with the HREC.

Participant Complaints

Research participants must be provided with contact details to make complaints or raise concerns about the research in which they are participating. If participants engage in an on-line survey, you must ensure they have this information to refer to after the survey is submitted.

HREC Secretary
Human Research Ethics Committee,
Charles Sturt University,
Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
Tel: (02) 6933 4213. Email:

Non-participant Complaints

You do not need to be a participant in a research project in order to raise a concern about the conduct of a project.

A non-participant may decide to raise a concern with the researcher in the first instance in a non-formal capacity. However formal complaints should be directed to the HREC which will be treated confidentially.  Formal complaints should be directed to:

HREC Secretary,
Human Research Ethics Committee,
Charles Sturt University,
Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
Tel: (02) 6933 4213.

Complaints about the Committee Process

Complaints about Committee processes can be made by participants and non-participants.  Refer to the Complaints Management policy for details.