Research Governance, Ethics and Compliance

  • Governance

    The Academic Senate and its sub-committees, including the University Research Committee provides academic governance oversight of research and research training activities at Charles Sturt University.  The Research Committee promotes a strong culture of responsible research at Charles Sturt. More information regarding Senate and academic governance is available from the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration including committee meeting schedules.

    The University compliance committees have been established to ensure the ethical, responsible and safe conduct of research that respects participants, animals and the environment.  The committees report to the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Research and the University’s Audit and Risk Committee.

    The five University compliance committees are listed below, specific information regarding these committees is available at each of the relevant committee webpages.

  • Ethics and Compliance

    Ethics and compliance ensures that research and teaching undertaken at Charles Sturt University aligns with the principle of respect for research participants, the wider community, animals and the environment. Charles Sturt has established five compliance committees to undertake this role.

    Research and teaching activities may require review and approval from one or more of these committees. More information about committee activities, including how to apply can be found on the relevant committee’s web page.

    It is important to note that approvals must be received BEFORE research can commence, and in some instances to commence activities without approval may represent misconduct.

    These compliance committees include:

    The Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC) established to ensure the welfare of animals used in research and teaching activities are in accordance with the Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 ("the Act"). The ACEC in its assessment looks at animal welfare and also the scientific merit of a proposal to ensure that the use of animals is justified and that alternatives to animal use have been explored.

    The Human Research Ethics Committee ensures all research involving human participants is conducted in accordance with the National Statement on the Ethical Conduct in Human Research (National Statement). Proposals for research, involving human participants and/or materials, require review of their ethical acceptability. Research cannot commence without approval.

    The Institutional Biosafety Committee established to ensure the University’s activities and facilities involving hazardous biological agents meets safety, ethical and professional standards as well as compliance with Gene Technology Act (2000) and associated Regulations.

    The Defence Trade Control Committee ensures research undertaken at Charles Sturt is compliant with Defence Trade Control Act 2012 and provides oversite of the Defence Trade Control Act 2012 – Compliance and Administration Policy.

    The Radiation Safety Committee was established to ensure the University complies with all relevant radiation legislation, and to ensure radiation safety measures are maintained and complied with across the University.